Enjoy these games.  I have given credit for where I found them (Where Known) if I have not given you credit and a link to your site PLEASE email me so we can correct this oversight.  Shasta

Let the games load fully before trying to play.  Be patient, depending on your connection 
and your system they may run slow.

Most games will require java capable browsers:

Need an edge with some java
games?  Try this gizmo :)

(No graphics)    

Java Games 

Alphabetical list


Asteroids Blocks Bridges Chaos Commando Connect 4
Connect 5 Cube IQ Lights Peg Solitaire Ping Pong
Tic Tac Toe           



(mom has been and thinks its ok for you to go to these games.  
DON'T stray to far that she has NOT checked out)

Multiple Games

Single Games (worth looking into)

Online Arcade Games


Fun Spot (3 games)

Sand Art (Very Cool and NO MESS!)

Laser Blocks (a Cool Tetris type game using pipes)

Tail Gunner

Return to Main



  Gamers Since Oct. 7, 1999