We did a web search for party games, the hits we got were scary! So I have tried to dig up as many party games as possible to give you a LARGE variety of fun games to play at your parties. Granted some seem "corney" but give them a shot, use your imagination and vary the games, I bet you have a blast with your friends!
An alphabetical List Of Games. We can't take credit for them, but we have tried to give credit where credit was known. These games were found at Games Kids Play. I have split the ones on our pages in half A-M and N-Z. Many games over the years come up with different names. I have not gone through these to find them, I have listed them with the names they had. Some Party Tips
found some Card Games that sound fun so will be adding them
here is a start Card Games
Other links we found with party/games:
| Fun with Kids | Billy Bear's Playground |
Games marked with a * are party games found in various places, credit & links given where known.
Our intention is to provide fun games for kids to play. We are not trying to steal another persons work or efforts. We have provided links back to all pages where games were found. We have also researched through books as well as memory of games we played. The internet is a large and open area for all types of people. As a mom, I worry about what kids can come across doing simple searches, by posting things here we are trying to provide a safe fun place for kids, nothing more. If we have offeneded anyone or you feel we should not have posted your games here, email me and I will remove your games. I have tried to contact everyone that I found.
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Since Nov 1997
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