This is whats new in 2004 glad that u could make it.
Hi i am Hannah and this is my new updated page and i am glad that you could come
lets see there has be a lot going on with me this year i moved as u all know. the place is ok i guess.. im 15 years old. im in 9th grade ya a freshman. thats not fun for no one i dont think because new people new place to get use to for a lot of people.
~!All my peoples Back Home I Love You and Miss You All..!~
Thats me!!!(Hannah)
Thats my Brother Johnny
this is my aunt Michelle dont she look so pretty!!!
Let all Dance with my Monkey Friend....
~Lets see... when you want something in life go for it so you can say you done it when u get old...(lol)~

~There is more coming on the way so came and see if i am done yet.
thanks for stoping by.~
Have time sign my guess book!
Email Me hit On the Angel