
Looked at these poems
You sound so depressed
So was I
Until God threw me a bone  

I was starting to doubt
that God was watching over me
that he had forgotten me somehow
but now I know he hasent
Because he sent me you  

It seems like ive known you
Some other place
Some other time
I look into your eyes 
I see the face of an Angel 
Sent from heaven   
But not without your problems too
just remember that im here for you

James P. Ohio

All I Want

Your heart is beating beating beating
Love? It's just an afterthought
When pulses pounding pounding pounding
Without you I am not complete
I'm empty now.
Complete me. Please.
Ill keep coming, faster faster
I need it
You're my ONLY drug
Not perfect.
Just what i need
Bring me Up. Push Me Higher Than The Clouds
push me down. face down in the dirt.
I want to feel it all. I want everything you have.
I need to drain you dry. I need you to make me a husk.
Kill me heal me know me show me
I want it all
I want Everything
I want enough to kill me
I want so much more

The good Kind of Pain

Sacrifice is so fulfilling
All I have is all I give
Don't leave me with anything
I don't deserve it
take it. Take it. take it.
Kindness cuts me like a knife
But its the good kind of pain
Until the guilt comes
she's so sweet
i don't deserve it
she gives me sooo much
i can't keep it
im not selfish
give it. Give it. give it.
purge the sympathy inside me
I need to be dry
Bone Dry.
give me more

Fairytale Dreams

I'll blow a kiss to everyone Nothing means a thing
I build a house made of sugar
So I can eat my way out again
The yarn will turn to gold
The goose will lay it's eggs
I'll watch the bean stalk fall
To climb it once again
Forever in a fairytale
A dream, a wish for two
But a wish it will remain
As fairytales don't come true

Jessica J. Ohio


if only you were here
but you never leave your kingdom
if only you understood
but you never knew the truth
if only you knew about my heart
but you never would handle what I know
if only you called
but you never bothered
if only you weren’t so busy
but you never have enough time to talk
if only you didn’t say the things you said
but you never hid the truth well
if only you never met me
but you never weren’t around
if only you loved me
but you never will

Jessica J. Ohio


love has filled my heart
my love i’ve had for you
a love left unknown
and yet maybe you always knew
but i just need the time to tell you
the thoughts that i have had
of losing both you and me
but i guess that love is blind
cruel and never fair
and in the end will just go
leaving me all alone and bare
now all i have left is hope
hope for the innocent and few
who may one day just find out
how great it is to have a friend like you

Jessica J. Ohio


there once was a man who had everything
anything anyone would ever want
and yet he led his life unhappy
excluded and lonely in thought
then one day he figured out
hot to make his life right again
with a gun in his hands
a prayer in his heart
he shot himself in the head
no one cried that day
nor even gave a single thought
as although he had everything in the world
to most he had no heart
as he did not show his love to any
he did not show he cared
so as the bullet hit his head
he left with just dispare
the moral of this you
that no matter big or small
if u live without being humble
you live no life at all

Jessica J. Ohio


Deep into the night,
When I am asleep,
In the shadows and corners
You silently creep.

The living nightmares you give me
Bring me nothing but pain,
I try to ignore you,
But you just do it again.

It is a never ending cycle-
This disease that afflicts me
I cannot control it
So I just let it be.

Once, I escaped
From your icy cold grip,
I thought it would be forever
But you tortured me with another hit.

I don't deserve this,
I am turning into a beast.
On my body and soul,
You hungrily feast.

"Let Nature take her course"
Is what I always say
But every single time,
You have to get in the way.

I try to keep you locked inside
So you can never escape.
I will never find happiness
Only lust, tears, and hate.

Jessica P.