Critical Studies
- Edith Wharton, a Biography(1975) by R. W. B. Lewis
- A Feast of Words: The Triumph of Edith Wharton (1977) by Cynthia Griffin Wolff
- Edith Wharton's Women; Friends & Rivals (1990) by Susan Goodman
- Edith Wharton (1986) Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom
- Wharton's New England Edited by Barbara A. White
- Felicitous Space: the Imaginative Structures of Edith Wharton and Willa Cather (1986) by Judith Fryer
- Edith Wharton (1991) by Katherine Joslin
- Edith Wharton (1961) by Louis Auchincloss
- The Library Chronicle New Series No. 31, Letters of Edith Wharton
- College Literature Vol. XIV, No. 3 Edith Wharton Issue
- No Gifts From Chance by Shari Benstock
- Edith Wharton's Letters from the Underworld; Fictions of Women and Writing (1991) by Candace Waid
- The Letters of Edith Wharton Edited by R.W.B. Lewis and Nancy Lewis
- Edith Wharton Abroad: Selected travel writings, 1888-1920 By Edith Wharton; edited by Sarah Bird Wright; Preface by Shari Benstock
- Ethan Frome: a nightmare of need by Marlene Springer
- The End of the Age of Innocence: Edith Wharton and the First
World War (1996) by Alan Price
- Edith Wharton: A Study of Her Fiction (1953) by Blake Nevius
- Edith Wharton A to Z, The Essential Guide to the Life and Work (1998) by Sarah Bird Wright
- Edith Wharton's Brave New Politics (1994) by Dale M. Bauer
- The Cambridge Companion to Edith Wharton (1995) Edited by Millicent Bell
- Edith Wharton: Art and Allusion by Helen Killoran
- Women and Business by C. L. Franklin
- "Artemis to Actaeon," from "Some Springtime Verse." by Brian Hooker
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