- 1862 Born, New York City
- 1878 Publishes Verses, privately
- 1885 Marries Edward(Teddy)Wharton
- 1889 Publishes poems in Scribner's Magazine
- 1897 Publishes Decoration of Houses, w Ogden Codman
- 1899 Publishes first stories, Greater Inclination
- 1902 Publishes first novel, Valley of Decision
- 1905 Publishes important best seller, House of Mirth
- 1907 Settles in Paris
- 1908 Teddy has nervous breakdown
- 1911 Publishes Ethan Frome
- 1913 Divorces from Teddy
- 1913 Publishes Custom of the Country
- 1914-1918 Devotes time to refugee and charity work in wartorn France
- 1917 Publishes Summer
- 1920 Awarded Pulitzer Prize for novel, The Age of Innocence
- 1923 Receives Yale honorary award of Doctor of Letters
- 1930 Elected to American Academy of Arts and Letters
- 1937 Dies of stroke in France
- from Edith Wharton, a collection of critical essays. Edited by
Irving Howe. Prentice-Hall, 1962.
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