McDonalds Happy Meal Toy List 1984
This list of toys is complete to the best of my knowledge. If you can fill in any others then please e-mail me the toy name and the set to I will reply to every e-mail. Thanks for your patience.
The sets in this year are as follows
Astrosniks II Happy Meal (Limited Regional Distribution)
Fast Macs I Promotion (Limited Regoinal Distribution)
Good Sports Happy Meal
Happy Holidays Happy Meal (Limited National Distribution)
Happy Pail II Olympic Theme Happy Meal
Lego Building Sets II Happy Meal
Olympic Beach Ball Promotion (Regional Distribution)
Popoids / Crazy Creatures I Test Market Happy Meal (Regional Distribution)
School Days Happy Meal
USA / Generic Promation (Regional Distribution)
Astrosniks II Happy Meal (Limited Regional Distribution)
- Copter
- Racing
- Ski
- Commander
- Drill
- Perfido
Fast Macs I Promotion (Limited Regional Distribution)
- Big Mac
- Hamburglar
- Mayor
- Ronald
Good Sports Happy Meal
- Puffy Birdie Sticker
- Puffy Grimace Sticker
- Puffy Hamburglar Sticker
- Puffy Mayor Sticker
- Puffy Ronald Sticker
- Puffy Sam (The Olympic Eagle) Sitcker
Happy Holidays Happy Meal (Limited National Distribution)
- Gingerbread House With Stickers
- Train With Stickers
Happy Pail II Olympic Theme Happy Meal
- Athletics
- Cycling
- Olympic Games
- Swimming
Lego Building Sets II Happy Meal
- Truck
- Ship
- Helicopter
- Airplane
- (U-3) Boat With Sailor
- (U-3) Bird With Eye
Olympic Beach Ball Promotion (Regional Distribution)
- Birdie Beach Ball
- Grimace Beach Ball
- Ronald Beach Ball
Olympic Sports I Happy Meal
- Guess Which Guy Comes Under the Wire-Puzzle
- Guess Who Finished Smiles Ahead-Puzzle
- Guess Who Makes the Biggest Splash-Puzzle
- Guess Who Stole the Winning Goal-Puzzle
- Who Do You Know Can Help Them Row?-Puzzle
Popoids (Regional Distribution)
- Popoids #1
- Popoids #2
- Popoids #3
- Popoids #4
- Popoids #5
- Popoids #6
School Days Happy Meal
- Birdie Eraser
- Captian Eraser
- Grimace Eraser
- Hamburglar Eraser
- Ronald Eraser
- Grimace Pencil
- Hamburglar Pencil
- Ronald Pencil
- Birdie / Ronald Pencil Case
- Grimace Pencil Sharpener
- Ronald Pencil Sharpener
- Ronald / Birdie Ruler
USA /Generic Promotion (Regional Distribution)
- Spinner Bike Race- Ronald / Hamburglar
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