Hi, I hope you enjoy my pages.
I like cats, birds and unicorns.
I have two cats named Macbeth and
Mindy Minette. I have several orphans. Please pay them a
visit. Also visit the site I
made for mice CPRA(Cara Pollock's Recorder Association) Say, while you're here visit Oceania, my dragon
I have two sisters called Talia and Anya.
I was born in 1988 in Lower Hutt,
New Zealand.
I like art and craft, writing (check out some of my stories and
poems in my on-line book), reading
and a lot of other things. I like clubs. I'm 9 years old and in
year 6.
There are many types
of cats including the Burmese, Manx, Rex, domestic long hair and
The Manx cat has no tail. Sometimes it has a very short tail
called a rumppie.
There are two sets of
cats, the long haired and the short haired. The long haired cat
needs to be groomed often as its hair gets tangled.
All of my families cats are short haired apart from my big
sister's cat Latte.
Check out my Joke page for a few laughs, and make sure you see my list of my favourite links on your way out for some other cool pages to see.
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This page continually under construction by Cara Pollock from information
in her head.
Last Updated: 19 April, 1998