Paper Airplane
The Paper Air Machines

By... Merlito Crespo

MCC36-INTRUDER(Fold and Fly)..GIF images.
Please wait to Download !

This is the step-by-step instruction diagram and pattern
on creating the "Intruder Model". This model is specially 
designed for those who needs to familiarize with  the 
basic folding of all the models in this book. It is the most
simple and yet, a very good flyer and will not stall. 
You can use  "Paint Shop Pro", or other utilities to
print this file. Make sure that the aspect ratio  of 
1:1.28 is maintained to avoid the distortion of the 
pattern. (I recommend 7.00 x 8.96 in.) I don't advise to 
use your Browser for printing these files. You will have
a cleaner and better resolution if you save it and use 
your own.

The patterns in the book are two sided. I copied both
sides separately, but I'm sure it is still easy to fold it 
with front side only, as long as you follow the drawing

Folding the nose of the airplane is a little confusing, but if you will look closer on step 13 of the diagram, you will notice that each of the two arrows are pointing to the front and to the back of the drawing (or to both sides of the airplane). It means that you will fold the paper on line - G, "flip inside out". To copy the GIF file, Just click it with your right hand mouse button, drag and save it to your files. There are four files to copy in this page. I apologize for the resolution of the drawing. (Or my friend's scanner) :=) Have fun flying !

Page one-
Instruction diagram.

Don't forget to
Book Mark this site.
There will be more
available free copies
in the future.

Page two-
Instruction diagram.

The unique ability of
these paper models
are when you throw it
straight, and hard. It
gains altitude instead
of having the nose
pointed upwards, and
make a stall. More
altitude means more

Page two-
Pattern side two.

Remember ! These
Paper Air planes
are Unique, The only
kind in the world. It
can compete with
distance. I am very
confident to say; "The
only Paper Airplane
that don't stall" (Of
course some models
do.) You don't even
need any extra nose
weight. Unless you are
competing for distance.
There is a special place
to put a small paper
clip under the nose and
not visible from the

Page three-
Pattern, side one.

Throwing technique
is easy, Just throw hard
like you are targeting
something with a dart,
and let the plane itself
maintain or gain it's

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