C = A * B
The magnitude of the new vector is the product of the magnitudes of the vectors that were multiplied times the sine of the angle between them. The direction of the new vector is perpendicular to the plane formed by teh vectors that were multiplied, and pointing in such a way that the three vectors form a right hand system. A right hand system is illustrated by teh figuresgiven below. Placing the fingersof teh right hadn as indicated, the direction of the vector product is indicated by the position of the thumb.
|Ax Ay Az|
|Bx By Bz| It must be noted that the order used ot write the elements of the determinant. It is very important to write the base vectors in teh top row, the first vector of teh product in teh second row, and the second vector of the product in teh last row, because the vector product is anti-commutative.
The magnitude fo the vector product is equivalent to the area of teh parallelogram determined by teh two vectors multiplied.
© 1997 Sheetal Rajpal