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Multiple Choice Questions (Conceptual)

  1. A vector can be best described as:
    (a) scalar quantity

    (b) resultant

    (c) having magnitude

    (d) having both magnitude and direction

    (e) having direction only

  2. An example of vector is:

    (a) Mass

    (b) Energy

    (c) Time

    (d) Force

    (e) All of the above

    (f) None of the above

  3. A vector v makes an angle of 30° with the positive x-axis as measured in a counter-clockwise sense. Find teh component along the x and y axis if the magnitude of v is 5.

    (a) v(x)= -2.5, v(y)= 2.5(3)½

    (b) v(x)= 2.5, v(y)= 2.5(3)½

    (c) v(x)= 5, v(y)= 5

    (d) v(x)= 2.5(3)½, v(y)= 2.5

  4. A vector F has components F(x)=20 and F(y)=5. Give the magnitude and direction of F if no angle is measured to the x-axis.

    (a) |F|= 20.6, ø=76°

    (b) |F|=20.6, ø=14°

    (c) |F|= 5, ø=76°

    (d) |F|=5, ø=14°

  5. Resultant can be best described as:

    (a) The difference of two vectors

    (b) Sum of a set of given vectors

    (c) The sum of two vectors

    (d) The difference of a set of given vectors

    (e) None of the above


    For questions 1-3 use:
    A=3i-j-4k; B=-2i+4j-3k; C=i+2j-k
    1. 2A-B+3C
    2. |3A-2B+4C|
    3. A unitary vector with the same direction as the vector in question 2.
      Answers to these questions!!!

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