Not so long ago the Internet captured my attention. New and interesting
things started happening in my life. I realized that there was a huge
world out there and I wanted to be a part of it. I found the-park, a chat
house. I observed how cyber people connected with their short little
phrases typed out on a dark screen. But I also found that most were made
up of lies and deceit. It was hard to trust anyone because his or her
stories kept changing. It was easy to create a fantasy life, I mean who
would ever know and we could become anyone we wanted to. I too lied and
made up stories.
After a year or so I met a man who would change my life. I had noticed him
only a few times in the chat room and that was because his nickname was one
you don't forget, Nightmare. My first thought was he must be evil with a
nickname like that. He was with a woman who was always in the room and I
came to know her as a fun person. I really didn't pay much attention to
them, for I was chatting with a man that I thought intriguing and genuine.
Time continued and the woman had built a web site and was asking for
pictures of people to put up on her friend's page. I took the address and
went surfing around her site. I checked out the links and I saw
"Nightmare's Abode" and decided to check it out. The impression was dark
and scary. My first thought was, yup this guy is evil. He had blood bars
and eyes and the grim reaper on his page. There is a Muse that is called
"Nightmare" I read it three times and then I understood why he chose the
nickname that he did. He was not so scary for he was a man with strong
convictions for our environment and endangered species. I too was
concerned about endangered animals and their habitat and thought we had one
thing in common. I read every word he wrote and looked at every page he
had made. I knew after I looked at his homepage that I wanted to chat with
him and find out what his other concerns and interests were.
So weeks went by and I was still visiting the chat house. One afternoon
he came into the park and there were only a few people in the room. Now I
had never even said hi to this guy before and was just a little leery of
chatting with him, he was a history major and I thought hmmm. he probably
isn't to friendly. Anyway I said "hi Nightmare I checked out your
homepage ~smile~", He started chatting with me. We had a nice conversation
and asked a few questions and that was about it, we added each other to
ICQ. I didn't see him much online after that, because he is three hours
behind in time and 3000 miles away. One night he came into the chat room
and said hey Cally (my nickname at the time) turn on your ICQ. I had a
habit of keeping it off when I was in the chat room. We chatted for a long
time, I asked a hundred questions. He had broken off the relationship with
the woman that we both knew in common. But was meeting a close friend he
had met in the park and had known for more than a year. So anyway we
chatted as friends and left it at that.
A couple weeks went by and he showed up online. Things didn't work out
with him and his long time friend. We chatted for hours, learning about
each other. It seemed like every night he was online and we would chat
about everything and laugh until the early hours of the morning. Then came
the big question, "Can I call you". I thought long and hard about this, I
mean he is 3000 miles away, he could not harm me. So he called and he
talked and talked and talked. I would smile to myself because he talked so
fast I could not understand him sometimes. I was extremely polite and just
listened to him mostly, he made me laugh and he made me smile. He taught me
things I never knew. He was so smart and I was so enchanted with him. He
told me I was the first woman that was interested in what he had to say.
The weeks went by and we continued to chat on the Internet and we always
seemed to find our way to the phone. I loved the sound of his deep voice
and the way he pronounced his words. He has this little laugh that is
almost sinister, it makes my heart pound every time I hear it. His passion
for football is so strong that when he talks about it I can hear the
excitement in his voice. He would sing "Sink the Bismarck" to me on the
phone, now some might not think this is a very romantic song but to me his
voice was magic. Being a history major, he taught me about WWII and his
fascination with Hitler. He would talk about his assignments and read his
essays to me. He taught me how to write html. He was my teacher, he
shared his nights with me and held nothing back. He was so open and honest
about everything. I trusted him more than anyone I had ever met. I wanted
to hear his voice every night, he made me so happy.
Then there came a time when I felt myself caring deeply for him and I
didn't want to hurt him, I had told a lie and the time had come to tell the
truth, I didn't know how to get out of it. I talked to my best friend and
revealed to her that I had an Internet friend and said I have lied to him.
She told me, "Tell him the truth, if he can't forgive you then it was not
meant to be." So the tears flowed, my heart ached and I wrote and rewrote
him an email. He absolutely hated liars, he had told me this time and time
again. So I thought of all the negatives about this relationship just so
if he didn't forgive me I would have this to think about.
He talks History
She talks town politics
He likes orange juice
She likes coffee
He listens to Metallic
She listens to Jewel
He thinks Darth Maul is cool
She thinks Braveheart is cooler
His passion is football cards
Her's is poetry
He likes pizza
She likes salad
He loves to talk
And she loves to listen
Okay so we don't have much in common. With the email sent to him I thought
about it all day. He didn't show up online that night or the next and no
email from him. Then someone in the park told me he didn't have my name
beside his like he use too. So I wrote to him that morning and told him I
wished him the best and thanked him for being my friend. It was over, how
could he forgive me! I had lied. The tears fell easily that day.
That night when I came home from work I checked my email. There was one
from Nightmare. I hesitated to open it. It took me a long time, because
if his words were harsh I didn't want to read them. My heart skipped a
beat there was hope. I started smiling. The last sentence he wrote, "It's
Thursday ,your call NIGHT."
"Be honest from the start with each other. Not all would be as forgiving
as Nightmare." I asked him why he forgave me. He said it was because I
was the one who told him about the lie. If he had heard it from another,
he would not have forgiven me.
We made plans to meet in January 2000, but I put it off until March. You
see I really didn't think he would like me much and I didn't want to put
myself through any heartbreak. Physical attraction means so much to some
people. Eventually I knew it was inevitable we had to meet. We planned
it for March 2000. Before I knew it he had bought the plane ticket and
there was no getting out of it. Don't get me wrong about this. I wanted
to meet him; I wanted to feel his warmth, his touch and his lips on mine.
But I was so scared he would not be attracted to me. I finally told him my
feelings about this and he said, "does it matter what I look like" I told
him no, he said "then don't worry about what you look like, I like you for
who you are." We had exchanged several pictures but sometimes they are
deceiving. We are both attractive people. I don't know why I was so
nervous about it.
I will skip right to the part your waiting for. The plans were for me to
pick him up at the airport. I was there an hour early. I was so nervous
my heart was beating fast and I just wanted to runaway. The plane landed
and a bunch of people got off. Then there was no one. He stood me up! I
could not believe it, how could he do this to me! Then two very slow old
ladies got off. My heart started pounding again. He stood so tall all 6'3
of him in the doorway. His eyes searched and saw mine, he walked up to me;
there was no hug, no kiss. Oh my God, he really doesn't like me, I kept
thinking. We talked all the way to the hotel. At least we can be friends
I thought. He sat on the bed. I sat on the bench. We talked a while, I
felt shy, I didn't want to look him in the face. Our plans were to go to
Montreal for a couple of days and I had some literature about it. He said,
"why don't you come over here" so I did and we looked at the information.
Then he put his arm around me, he kissed me and everything was beautiful.
We spent only four days together. Not long enough. I showed him around my
State, he saw a buffalo, he thinks they are so cool. We went to Montreal
and spent a night there. Went window-shopping and he bought me a "Brad
Johnson jersey". Checked out the planetarium and the Olympic Stadium. I
was sad the night before he was to leave. I shed a few tears and he said
he would come back in May. I was happy again. The farewell was sad. I
didn't want him to leave. But he has his life 3000 miles away and I have
I thought about him coming back in May. Maybe he was just saying that
because I was a little emotional the last night he was with me. It was an
easy way for him to pacify me. He spoke no words of love. It could be he
was just being nice. But I felt deep down that his feelings were the same
for me as mine were for him. We talked quickly on the phone the night his
plane arrived back in his home state, he was tired from the 12-hour flight
and jet lag set in. He was 6 hours from his home and it wasn't until a
couple days that we were finally able to talk on the phone freely. We
talked about how much we liked each other and his trip back here in May. I
was open and honest with him. We made plans for the future.
Our relationship continued as before. Chatting on ICQ every night and then
picking up the phone. His phone calls became more frequent; he would call
during the afternoon when I got home from work, surprising me. I found
myself calling him a couple of times. I never wanted to share the bad with him because I didn’t want him thinking that I was complaining, so many people on the internet whine and complain about everything and to be honest I get very sick of that. One of my Internet friends told me I should share my bad days with him because he is there to help me and to listen to me. So there are times now that he must endure my complaints, I don’t think he minds, he takes it all in stride. My feelings have grown so strong and true for him I know that if anything were to happen with us right now I would leave the Internet and never look back.
When we talked about his coming back here in May for two weeks, it sounded like such a long time, two whole weeks compared to four very short days as before. I truly believe the two weeks went faster than the four days. We had such a fantastic time. We went back to Montreal for a few days and watched the Astros and Expos play baseball. I live in the heart of moose territory in Northern NH and for some reason every time we went looking for moose none were found, finally he got to see a few moose. We visited the Capital of NH and went to a few museums. He met my family and friends. Everything seemed so right between us.
Words of love were spoken, feelings were shared, dreams were realized and that is when I told him that I would never be able to give him his dream. I love him and he loves me, but to have a dream that can not come true could shatter a relationship forever.
“ If you love something let it go, if it comes back it is yours, if it doesn’t it never was”.
Only time will tell.

When I first met sasha I was a regular in the R30’s room and occasionally visited the chamber. I wasn’t the most popular person in this room at the time for a couple of reasons, so found Myself in the chamber more and more but it was in the R30’s room when I met sasha.
I have been online for a couple of years and had had many people do many things to Me online and often people who I did not know would talk to Me searching for info that would be used against Me later- needless to say when sasha first spoke to Me I wasn’t too interested in sharing too much personal info with her. She had visited My web page and found some shared interest. We talked about these interests for weeks if not months. As time went on I found Myself talking more and more to her letting out bits of info wondering and watching for somebody else to approach Me with what I’d told her. It never happened and we talked more often becoming close friends- she truly cared about my interest and what was happening in My life and I cared about her. The first time we talked on the phone I knew she was special, I was able to talk about anything and she listened, even cared about everything I said- the words always came easy on the phone, never an awkward moment.
We talked more and more and I learned so much about her, as we became closer the talk of meeting one another began and our names were joined in the chamber. At first the idea of meeting bothered Me as I had previously met 2 others- neither of who had worked out for various reasons- but I had developed strong feelings for her and wanted to see if they would continue face to face. I told Myself why not, what’s the worst that could happen? I knew that regardless we would always be friends. We had planned to meet in January but that was put off to March as I think we both wanted more time to prepare although we both wanted to stand face to face. I got My plane ticket in January and I would be visiting here in March- I figured even if she never showed up at the airport I’d have a nice few days in a different area of the country.
The plane trip was long and gave Me way too much time to think of all the things that could go wrong but once on the plane there was no backing out- not that I would once the ticket was purchased. I was so glad when the plane finally landed and wanted to get off the plane to see what awaited Me. I had to follow the 2 oldest and slowest people remaining on Earth off the plane. I spotted her right away as I entered the airport almost hiding behind a sign- wasn’t a emotional outpouring at first sight, no hugs or kisses but I was relieved that she was there, smiling, and we were talking. The hardest part was over as we had now seen each other and My feelings hadn’t changed.
Once back at the hotel we talked and spent a little time planning our upcoming visit to Montreal, it wasn’t long before I got My first of what would be many kisssses from her :) The first NIGHT together was wonderful and I will never forget any of it. I was only there 4 days but things went great, we were both a little shy and perhaps held back a little in some areas but there was never a dull moment and the time flew by far too quick. sasha is much more open with her feelings than I am, she says the things that I feel but often cant say-not really sure why that is- I know I should’ve expressed more of My feelings when I was there and could tell this bothered her some.
Before I left we had planned for Me to return in May after My grad from college. I was there for 13 days and had a blast with her and her children- check back soon for more details on My second visit- can’t tell the whole story all at one sitting.

September 2000
You may not think this is a big deal, but for me it was the biggest adventure of my life and one I shall never forget. Try to imagine this. Small town country girl from New England going to the west coast. I had traveled to North Caroline when I was 17 but that was ages ago. So maybe you can understand why I was California Dreaming.
I wasn’t traveling to California just for an adventure; I was going because of what was waiting for me.