Endangered Species

"For in the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught " B. Dioum

Destruction threatens their existence, their habitat.

Environmental change was the primary cause of the extinction, but now it is man that has caused the destruction of these animals. Logging, mining, developing, draining wetlands are just a few causes. This may completely destroy our ecosystem if we continue to let it happen.

Many of the species have been wiped out because of humans killing them for food, for fur, for SPORT!

Ignorance of human nature is destroying these animals. They are MANS most valuable resource for exsistense

These creatures are losing the battle to survive.

Check out Nightmare's Tattoo

I can not see through the chaos of the world,
I can not hear through the violence.
No longer can I taste nature’s gifts,
for they have drowned in deadly silence.
The end is near some people fear,
but they do nothing to change it.
The people who tried did something,
but cried as they watched the world die around them.
We are the roots of destruction,
beauty decays where we grow.
Our happiness thrives when nature dies,
when there are no more seeds to sow.
So listen to the rhyme just one more time:
"You don’t know what you got till you loose it".
For this beautiful world will soon give up.
But the way it is, the way we choose it!

We hope to create more pages in time, so keep checking back


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Nightmare & sasha .

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This Endangered Species Webring site is owned by
Nightmare & sasha

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