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Hi!! My name is Kim. I am a kindergarten teacher at Lincoln School, with Fresno Unified. I started designing my own web page after my nephew Aaron and my Mom began making their own pages. You can say that Aaron sort of callenged his Auntie to make her own. Well, here is my latest work of art, always underconstruction.
This is my friend Dana (left) and me.
Disney Store | Ebay |
Dog Pile | Fast Search |
Remember Our Veterans
Because of them we are free!!
Here are a few links to some of the sites of my friends and family.
My Own Place
Dana's Adventure
Suzanne's Homepage
Teacher Fran's Homepage
Thanks for stopping by
Please feel free tosign my guestbook!!
If you are as puzzled as Feliz is about how to make your own webpage....
Contact Bob Jost at Fresno
Pacific about his web design
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