Hi! I'm Emily Mouse and this is my webpage! I'm so glad that Annie adopted me from the Adopt-A-Mouse Shelter at Vikimouse's MousePad. Please go adopt a mouse of your own, there are so many that need homes! I am five years old and I was adopted on June 7, 1997. I love to read, play outside on my swingset, and visit my cousin Tommy. My two favorite books are It's Not Easy Being A Bunny by Marilyn Sadler and Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss. You should read them sometime, if you haven't. When I get a little older, and I can read a little better, I want to read The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster and the Little House on the Prarie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. If you know of any other good books to read, email them to me, and Annie and I will make a 'Good Books' page where we reccomend books. The reason I'm making this webpage is to earn a badge for Mouse Scouts. I'm in Troop 38. If you have a mouse or know someone else who has a mouse that would like to join the Mouse Scouts troop, go to the link above. The troop is open to any animals adopted from Vikimouse's MousePad Shelter.