07/10/00 00:35:32
Name: Fire Power | Country/City: Detroit |
Favourite Sport: Soccer | Hobbies: Chemistry |
You have a great web page. I,ll always come back to visit. I love the pictures and I hope you get some games to go with your page.
06/07/00 07:30:19
Name: Steven B. Malkassian | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Fremont, CA. USA | Favourite Sport: NFL Football | Favourite Sports Team: SF 49ers |
Favourite Sports Player: Joe Montanna | Favourite Groups/Artist: N/A | Hobbies: Writing, webpage design |
I doth dig this site on hither, sire!
It doth kick dragon ass!
05/28/00 23:49:26
Name: Lady Lillian Da Trepp | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: USA/Hamlin | Favourite Sport: Softball | Favourite Sports Team: Chicago Cubs |
Favourite Sports Player: Sammy Sosa | Favourite Groups/Artist: Backstreet Boys, Savage Garden, Enrique Iglasies (?) | Hobbies: Reading, art |
04/20/00 20:29:56
Name: Kay | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Chillicothe OH USA | Favourite Sport: Football | Favourite Sports Team: Broncos |
Favourite Sports Player: Elway | Favourite Groups/Artist: Garth Brooks/Chirs Gaines | Hobbies: Martial Arts Reading |
04/10/00 17:55:52
Name: Megan of conwy | My URL: Visit Me | Country/City: Wales |
Favourite Sport: Skiing | Favourite Sports Team: British relay team | Favourite Sports Player: Ryan Giggs |
Favourite Groups/Artist: Stereophonics | Hobbies: Having a laugh HA HA and causing mischief |
04/06/00 16:31:11
Name: Bonnie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: USA |
Favourite Sport: Darts |
03/29/00 02:47:43
Name: Steph | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: US |
Favourite Sport: volleyball or soccer | Hobbies: music, theatre, dancing |
Derek- Who wrote the Lady of Shilat? I've heard of it...but I have no idea how to spell it and I want to read it. You're page is very interesting...I like it.
03/17/00 04:29:34
Name: Georgiapeach |
My URL: Visit Me |
Fantastic web page It was a delight kind sir to be be allowed into your kingdom
03/07/00 05:26:26
Name: JaNelle Meyers-Powers | My URL: Visit Me |
Country/City: Lake Geneva | Favourite Sport: tennis |
Hobbies: music, theater |
I thought this was the most beautiful page I have seen!
03/05/00 05:24:40
Name: Heather J. Steele | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Paris, Tennessee, USA | Favourite Sport: softball & soccer | Favourite Sports Team: Tennessee Lady Vols |
Favourite Sports Player: Ken Griffey, Jr. | Favourite Groups/Artist: Sarah McLachlan | Hobbies: reading |
Derek, I really liked your site. It was very interesting. The illustrations were fabulous! I'm really into the Arthurian legend and look forward to visiting your site again. Perhaps I will join your Roundtable!
03/02/00 16:38:48
Name: Amanda Hugnkiss | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: u.s.a. norwalk | Favourite Sport: tv | Favourite Sports Team: red wings |
Favourite Sports Player: myself | Favourite Groups/Artist: p.o.d. | Hobbies: playin my bass |
this is cool
02/15/00 18:51:37
Name: Eemy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: U.K. | Favourite Sport: b-ball | Favourite Sports Team: ?????? |
Favourite Sports Player: ?????? | Favourite Groups/Artist: *N'SYNC | Hobbies: playing b-ball |
02/12/00 17:53:19
Name: Curt | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: United States/N.Y. | Favourite Sport: Baseball | Favourite Sports Team: N.Y. Yankees |
Favourite Sports Player: Michael Jordan | Favourite Groups/Artist: Many | Hobbies: Fishing, Hunting, Sports, etc. |
Great website, and will hopefully help in writing my college paper
02/10/00 18:55:31
Name: Sophie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Baltimore US | Favourite Sport: Lacrosse | Favourite Sports Team: Canaries |
Favourite Sports Player: Owen Daly | Favourite Groups/Artist: Celine Dion | Hobbies: Sports |
i think this sight is very cool and i have bookmarked it. But you are wrong about Uther it is not him that gave the sword!
02/10/00 18:55:31
Name: Ami Mizuno | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Baltimore | Favourite Sport: soccer | Favourite Sports Team: The Green Bay packers |
Favourite Groups/Artist: Shania Twain | Hobbies: reading |
very good site!!!
01/26/00 22:35:45
Name: White Knight |
My URL: Visit Me |
This site rocks And I just joined the knights of the roundtable
01/21/00 17:44:56
Name: Anne Marijn Post | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: The Netherlands/Den Oever | Favourite Sport: Horseriding, yogal, basketbal etc. | Favourite Sports Team: Amsterdam Admirals, Ajax |
Favourite Sports Player: Jari Litmanen | Favourite Groups/Artist: Bjork, Chemical Bros. | Hobbies: horseriding, skating, going out to the disco's in Amsterdam!!! |
This is the best site, I've ever seen. Excellent, keep up the good work!
Thanx, I'll be going back now to enjoy more of your site.
King Arthur is great.
Yours sincerely,
10/28/99 04:54:16
Name: stacey corrigan | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: new zealand auckland | Favourite Sport: net ball | Favourite Sports Team: All Blacks |
Favourite Sports Player: stacy jones | Favourite Groups/Artist: silver chair | Hobbies: guys |
taz is the rulest
guys are cute
10/26/99 02:53:12
My URL: Visit Me |
10/21/99 14:21:50
Name: Gwen | My URL: Visit Me | Country/City: Bountiful |
Favourite Sport: Softball | Favourite Sports Team: none | Favourite Sports Player: none |
Favourite Groups/Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers | Hobbies: none |
You have cool fantasy pictures about Camelot. Good Job !
10/14/99 06:44:33
Name: Chlee | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: auckkland |
I found it kind of hard to keep up with!
09/25/99 01:47:48
Name: Angel Myers | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: USA, Decatur, IN | Favourite Sport: Football | Favourite Sports Team: Colts |
Favourite Sports Player: Payton Manning | Favourite Groups/Artist: Montley Crue | Hobbies: reading, writing everything |
i could not sign up for the knigths of the round table, it said there was an error and my member name was not valid, i would really like to become a knigth of the round table. it also said it would be like that untill the creator fixes it. other than th
t i love the page keep up the good work.
09/11/99 23:23:56
Name: Peter Morgan | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: Tintagel-Cornwall |
Ilove Merlin, Iwish Ihad the Knowledge
Donate Free Food - 08/25/99 21:11:24
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html
Good work, congratulations....
Name: Abby | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Christchurch NZ | Favourite Sport: Rugby,soccer,whatever | Favourite Sports Team: Gal Blacks! |
Favourite Sports Player: Justin Marshall | Favourite Groups/Artist: Anything that isn't opera or country | Hobbies: Shopping, sports, te usual stuff, beating up nerds. |
I cameinto this place accidentally, but I liked the pretty colours so I stayed. It was pretty cool considering it was like, factual history s*@#.
Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 03:04:00
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com
![]() |
Name: Sir Jah-of-Rasta | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Auckland New Zealand | Favourite Sport: Rugby League | Favourite Sports Team: Auckland Warriors |
Favourite Sports Player: Johan Lomu | Favourite Groups/Artist: Isley Brothers | Hobbies: music,sports,etc..etc |
I've been into this story ever since I was a kid.
08/07/99 11:32:28
Name: Sir Serugant | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: USA/North Brunswick, NJ | Favourite Sport: Football | Favourite Sports Team: NY Giants |
Favourite Sports Player: Barry Sanders | Favourite Groups/Artist: Enya | Hobbies: Stage Combat, Archery, Juggling |
An excellent page - but unkownst to me until now. I shall link this to my favorite Renaissance Sites and proclaim it to all the Kingdom to see.
08/06/99 18:15:38
Name: SIR JNCO |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
08/06/99 18:13:34
Name: Shawn | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Chambersburg | Favourite Sport: Football | Favourite Sports Team: Dolphins |
Favourite Sports Player: Dan Marino | Favourite Groups/Artist: Will Smith | Hobbies: Playing Playstation |
Your page is great.
07/08/99 13:37:30
Name: Morgaine Le Fay | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Avalon | Favourite Sport: football, F1, rally | Favourite Sports Team: Benfica, Manchester, Barcelona |
Favourite Sports Player: Ronaldo, Cantona, Barthez, Collin Mc Rae | Favourite Groups/Artist: Voyeurs, Nirvana | Hobbies: listen to music, watch TV, read, surf on the Net, play computer games |
This is a wonderful page.
Anyone who wants to speak to me just go ahead, I love to make new friends.
06/27/99 10:12:59
My URL: Visit Me |
06/04/99 12:53:53
My URL: Visit Me |
05/21/99 12:35:22
Name: The Lady Igraine | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: Avalon |
Hobbies: Dream Weaving and Star Gazing |
........blind yourself to the light in my violet eyes, and through the blackness of eternal night, ...you will feel them piercing your soul.......
05/18/99 15:30:12
Name: Raven | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: poconos,pa,usa | Favourite Sport: hack,skateboard,forrtball | Favourite Sports Team: cowboys and dolphins |
Favourite Sports Player: dennis rodman | Favourite Groups/Artist: i like everything from korn, bsb,to well everything | Hobbies: music,all kinds of the arts |
great page are you in to the whole king author thing write me ok
05/13/99 19:31:13
Name: Lady Althea | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: Denmark |
Hobbies: Reading |
I really like this page. Nice job!
05/08/99 13:16:11
Name: Dolores | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Danville, Il | Favourite Sport: none | Favourite Groups/Artist: The Brother Gibb |
Hobbies: Cross stitch, sewing. handwork |
I have not had the time to look at this completely
yet, but will later this afternoon.
04/25/99 04:47:17
Name: lady Lyonesse | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: Kingman, Az |
Hobbies: writing |
Great site! keep up the good work.
04/10/99 22:42:29
Name: Sir Avalar | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: Illinois |
Hello again King Arthur! I now have a medevil roll playing chat of my own "Castle Dragontooth".
Stop in anytime and visit us. Just click my URL.
04/09/99 23:53:13
Name: Joey The Great | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Canada.....Yeah! | Favourite Sport: Hockey | Favourite Sports Team: The Detroit Red Wings |
Favourite Sports Player: Steve Yzerman | Favourite Groups/Artist: Don't quite Know | Hobbies: Geez....What is this twenty questions. |
I love your page derek you did a really good job so i thought that it deserved my name on its guest book.
03/29/99 18:47:48
Name: Krystal | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: nj | Favourite Sport: basketball | Favourite Sports Team: 76ers |
Favourite Sports Player: allen Iverson | Favourite Groups/Artist: backstreet boys | Hobbies: listening to backstreet boys |
03/27/99 18:49:36
Name: Allan Sean O'Brien | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Scotland | Favourite Sport: football | Favourite Sports Team: Partick Thistle |
Favourite Sports Player: Robert Dunn | Favourite Groups/Artist: Cher | Hobbies: beating up imps |
i think this page is god and deserves a clap
03/20/99 19:34:46
Name: danielle | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: FLORIDA-USA |
03/18/99 20:06:00
Name: Sir Raven Snakest | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Maywood, Illinois | Favourite Sport: Baseball | Favourite Sports Team: Oakland Athletics |
Favourite Sports Player: Jack McDowell | Favourite Groups/Artist: Mya | Hobbies: Collecting sport cards |
I think that this page has a lot of graphics and very well organized. I really like the lightline on the pages and I think that this page will go far.
03/18/99 20:05:50
Name: Sir Raven Snakest | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Maywood, Illinois | Favourite Sport: Baseball | Favourite Sports Team: Oakland Athletics |
Favourite Sports Player: Jack McDowell | Favourite Groups/Artist: Mya | Hobbies: Collecting sport cards |
I think that this page has a lot of graphics and very well organized. I really like the lightline on the pages and I think that this page will go far.
03/18/99 20:05:31
Name: Sir Raven snakest | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Maywood, Illinois | Favourite Sport: Baseball | Favourite Sports Team: Oakland Athletics |
Favourite Sports Player: Jack McDowell | Favourite Groups/Artist: Mya | Hobbies: Collecting sport cards |
I think that this page has a lot of graphics and very well organized. I really like the lightline on the pages and I think that this page will go far.
03/15/99 16:05:25
Name: kenneth Carr | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: U.S IL | Favourite Sport: Football | Favourite Sports Team: greenbay |
Favourite Sports Player: none | Favourite Groups/Artist: Anything thats rap | Hobbies: R/C Racing |
cool web site
03/14/99 18:34:41
Name: Mike Jones | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Wellston usa | Favourite Sport: football | Favourite Sports Team: PITTSBURGH STEELERS |
Favourite Sports Player: Lennox Lewis | Favourite Groups/Artist: Metallica | Hobbies: play station |
02/25/99 18:59:50
Name: Lady Green | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: USA/Indiana |
Is there a way to scroll back
to see previous messages
(in the chat room)?
Your web page is very impressive.
02/25/99 03:40:40
Name: Greg Myers | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: U.S.A | Favourite Sport: Basketball | Favourite Sports Team: Bulls |
Favourite Sports Player: Michel Jordon | Favourite Groups/Artist: Backstreet Boys | Hobbies: None |
Cool Page
02/21/99 23:37:15
Name: shannon Davison | My URL: Visit Me |
Country/City: united states oregon | Favourite Sport: soccer |
02/19/99 18:06:03
Name: danezalot | My URL: Visit Me |
Country/City: USA | Hobbies: dogs,horses,fishing,camping |
I loved the story, I am a King Arthur fan also,If you go to my page you will see my King Arthur.
02/16/99 22:55:39
Name: Bucky Chini | My URL: Visit Me | Country/City: FL |
Favourite Sport: football | Favourite Sports Team: Philadelphia Eagles | Favourite Sports Player: Randal Cunningham |
Favourite Groups/Artist: Jay-Z,Master P,Busta Ryhmes | Hobbies: playing football |
This web page is very good. You guys put a lot of time into this. Its very creative.
02/16/99 19:09:35
Name: Knighht Maji | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: USA | Favourite Sport: Skateboarding | Favourite Sports Team: none |
Favourite Sports Player: Tony Hawk | Favourite Groups/Artist: Rage Against The Machine | Hobbies: Magic The Gathering |
This Page is pretty cool
02/08/99 01:47:15
Name: Lady Pendragon | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Colorado US | Favourite Sport: Horse back riding | Favourite Sports Team: Broncose |
Favourite Sports Player: John Elway | Favourite Groups/Artist: Chieftians | Hobbies: read Arthur books |
This is one of the best sites I hve bean on! But what is romg with your chat room?
02/07/99 05:07:35
Name: Juliet de Verdeur | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: COLORADO, US | Favourite Sport: golf | Favourite Sports Team: New York Yankies |
Favourite Sports Player: Babe Ruth | Favourite Groups/Artist: Bethoven | Hobbies: reading Arthur books |
This is the best site on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02/07/99 04:26:17
Name: Juliet | My URL: Visit Me | Country/City: Colorado springs, CO |
Favourite Sport: Galf | Favourite Sports Team: New York Yankies | Favourite Sports Player: Babe Ruth |
Favourite Groups/Artist: Betoven | Hobbies: Read Arthur Books |
THIS IS THE BEST SITE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02/06/99 22:31:22
Name: Sir Avalar |
My URL: Visit Me |
Country/City: Illinois |
Great Page...C your e-mail
01/31/99 03:40:07
Name: mike | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: orlando,florida,usa | Favourite Sport: volleyball | Favourite Sports Team: dallas cowboys |
Favourite Sports Player: troy aikman | Hobbies: startrek buff |
good backdrop.have more later
01/29/99 16:36:01
Name: Charlotte | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: New York | Favourite Sport: Squash | Favourite Sports Team: Jets |
Favourite Sports Player: Micheal Jordan | Favourite Groups/Artist: Dave Matthews Band | Hobbies: Stuff |
01/29/99 09:43:56
Name: Bobby | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: USA | Favourite Sport: Fencing | Favourite Sports Team: n.a. |
Favourite Sports Player: Aldo Nadi | Favourite Groups/Artist: Rob and/or White Zombie | Hobbies: Swords |
AWESOME page!!!
01/29/99 00:36:03
Name: Heather Jackson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Richmond Hill, Canada | Favourite Sport: Cheering for end of Football season | Favourite Sports Team: Whoever wins |
Favourite Sports Player: Whoever plays the best | Favourite Groups/Artist: U2 | Hobbies: Community Theatre,Internet,Reading, |
This is a fabulous page, I am totally addicted to the whole Arthurian legend have been ever since I was a kid. Thank you so much for working hard to put this together.
01/28/99 03:14:23
Name: sfdasf | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: asdfa | Favourite Sport: asdfasd | Favourite Sports Team: asdf |
Favourite Sports Player: asdf | Favourite Groups/Artist: asdfasdf | Hobbies: asdfasdfasdf |
Get a life, man.
01/26/99 05:23:34
Name: Juan Francisco Acuña Sarmiento | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Colombia/Bogotá | Favourite Sport: Soccer | Favourite Sports Team: Brasil |
Favourite Sports Player: Pelé | Favourite Groups/Artist: Sepultura | Hobbies: camping |
this is a great page congratulations
01/25/99 19:53:03
Name: Lady Johanna | My URL: Visit Me |
Country/City: San Diego, Calif. | Hobbies: S.C.A. |
I have not investigated the page very thoroughly,
but I've always had an interest in, and love for the King Arthur legend, so what I've seeen, I have enjoyed.
01/25/99 04:51:23
Name: Mark | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Phillipsburg,NJ,USA | Favourite Sport: football | Favourite Sports Team: Eagles |
Hobbies: drawing,reading,games |
i like your page alot the only complaint I have is it's hard to read the words on the page do to the color, maybe if you made the letters black it would be easier to read. i would also like to know more about what you do on this page before i sign up so i
you get the chance send me info on what exactly what it is that you do here, thanks!
01/21/99 05:43:57
Name: MK | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: U.A.E | Favourite Sport: football/and many.. | Favourite Groups/Artist: boyzone |
Hobbies: many..if u want to know visit my page and click on about MK |
hi, this MK remember me.?
i really missed u ..
by the way i changed my web site and i want to visit it ..do u want to know the reason?
ok..i have MBZ AWARDS for 1999 and many people who have a web site joined to win..and i put your page with them because your page is very cool..and u won for the best desgin page on the net..
so that plz take your awards from there..and download it..^_^
12/27/98 15:41:43
Name: Maxx
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Country/City: Avalon Peninsula
Favourite Groups/Artist: Queen!
Hobbies: Arthurania, Music, Books....Marion Zimmer Bradley in particular
Magickal site....I will visit again. Keep the old ways alive.
12/22/98 14:25:04
Name: †®ùlê® óf Ðä®kñ駧†
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Country/City: US
Favourite Sport: football
Favourite Sports Team: cowboys
Favourite Sports Player: aikman
Favourite Groups/Artist: KoRn, Limp Bizkit
Hobbies: my hobbies are having fun doing my hobbies
Hey King, howz it going? good here, talk to you later. RoD.HH. Sir Gareth...ur right hand man.
12/19/98 12:53:18
My URL: Visit Me
12/17/98 04:04:36
Name: Mary (Lady Elaine)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Country/City: Salt Lake City, Utah USA
Favourite Sport: NBA Basketball
Favourite Sports Team: UTah Jazz
Favourite Sports Player: John Stockton
Favourite Groups/Artist: various/many
Hobbies: travel, movies, reading, collecting things. Computer stuff
Great graphics, I was doing a search of King Arthur items on Geocities - and found your
pages. I collect King Arthur books, and
enjoy the tales very much -
Keep up the good works!
12/04/98 01:33:11
Name: Angee | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Ryanville | Favourite Sport: swimming | Favourite Sports Team: none |
Favourite Sports Player: none | Favourite Groups/Artist: 5ive, 'N Sync, Puffy, Ma$e, Brandy, Monica | Hobbies: playing drums, singing, dancing, partying, computer stuff, cheerleading |
Cool page, way good background
12/03/98 03:14:17
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: USA/HOUSTON |
Favourite Sport: SOFTBALL |
12/02/98 02:17:39
Name: Lydia | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: New Zealand | Favourite Sport: Swimming | Favourite Groups/Artist: MICHAEL JACKSON |
Hobbies: Painting |
Hello, I love your site its great. Keep up the good work...:)
12/01/98 03:28:19
Name: Jamie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: USA Davenport, IA | Favourite Sport: football | Favourite Sports Team: Packers |
Favourite Sports Player: NA | Favourite Groups/Artist: Don't know | Hobbies: Reading |
I relly like this page. It's nice to know that some people still remember the past.
11/23/98 21:52:56
Name: Gennie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Savannah Georgia | Favourite Sport: Football, Basketball | Favourite Sports Team: Not one |
Favourite Sports Player: Not one | Favourite Groups/Artist: Dixie Chicks | Hobbies: Music |
Very good sight. I love it!!!!
11/22/98 04:12:10
Name: Abby | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: TeXas | Favourite Sport: Basketball | Favourite Sports Team: Bulls |
Favourite Sports Player: Michael Jordan | Favourite Groups/Artist: Jars of Clay | Hobbies: Just doing whatever w/my friends |
Hey, I'm just goin to alot o' my friend's pages, you know that I'm in love w/your page, so why do I always sign this thing? I dunno, out of habbitt I guess! Delete this if you want (if you can?) I'm just tired and need to go to bed so don't mind me. We
l, don't forget to email me!
11/21/98 17:37:01
Name: Areil | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Belen | Favourite Sports Team: Miami Dolphins | Favourite Sports Player: Dan Marino |
Hobbies: Reading, Riding |
This is a cool page.
11/21/98 17:34:49
Name: Areil | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Belen | Favourite Sports Team: Miami Dolphins | Favourite Sports Player: Dan Marino |
Hobbies: Reading, Riding |
This is a cool page.
11/10/98 18:22:09
Name: jamie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: bomansville,pa |
Favourite Sport: soccer | Favourite Groups/Artist: mxpx |
11/10/98 03:14:07
Name: miranda | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Canada, dartmouth | Favourite Sport: socor | Favourite Sports Team: all kinds |
Favourite Sports Player: all kinds | Favourite Groups/Artist: all kinds | Hobbies: caving,make crafts,make friendship braclets. |
I thought your site was the best i ever seen and the music was really good,and the graphics was exelent!
11/06/98 19:51:13
Name: Austin Backus | My URL: Visit Me | Country/City: U.S.A. |
Favourite Sport: Hockey | Favourite Sports Team: n/a | Favourite Sports Player: n/a |
Favourite Groups/Artist: n/a | Hobbies: playing hockey and soccer |
That's a very colorful page Derek!
You should make some kind of game to go with the website.
11/05/98 20:04:22
Name: Jax | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: U.S./Michigan | Favourite Sport: Running/Track(hurdeling) | Favourite Sports Team: Miami Dolphins |
Favourite Sports Player: Zach Thomas #54 MLB | Favourite Groups/Artist: Anything! | Hobbies: Everything |
11/02/98 20:34:41
Name: Jay | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Canada | Favourite Sport: Football/hockey | Favourite Groups/Artist: Green Day |
Hobbies: Writing/reading/sruffing the net |
You have a awsome web page i love the your pictures ...where did you get the unicorn picture? Where did you get all the information on camolt? I love history and your web sit is great it really helped me out on my report...Jay
10/22/98 02:07:33
Name: viviane pereira castro | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Brazil/rio de janeiro | Favourite Sport: volleyball | Favourite Sports Team: braziliam time |
Favourite Sports Player: pele | Favourite Groups/Artist: guns'roses | Hobbies: chat with derek |
the only world i can find to describe your homepage
most beaultifull home page i found here
always yours
10/22/98 02:04:01
Name: viviane |
My URL: Visit Me |
10/13/98 22:23:45
Name: Angel Ventrelli | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: USA/Levittown | Favourite Sport: Track/BAsketball | Favourite Sports Team: NY GIants and Ki\nicks |
Favourite Sports Player: Lawrence TAylor | Favourite Groups/Artist: numerous | Hobbies: a lot |
I like this web site a lot. it is very coool!@
10/09/98 17:29:00
Name: Jennifer Gendron |
My URL: Visit Me |
Country/City: Wareham |
10/07/98 14:02:20
Name: Layne Lanpher | My URL: Visit Me | Country/City: Lancaster, OH USA |
Favourite Sport: Karate | Favourite Sports Team: Ohio State Buckeyes | Favourite Sports Player: none |
Favourite Groups/Artist: The Heights | Hobbies: Karate, Magic:The Gathering |
I just have to say that your page is one of the coolest that I have ever seen. I love the background art. I hope that I will be able to find some good information that will help me with my senior project, which is trying to prove that King Arthur was a
eal person. Thanx!!!!
10/06/98 17:05:22
Name: clackamas high | My URL: Visit Me |
Country/City: portland U.S.A. | Hobbies: work |
this is a very cool website. It helped me in my report. My friend Nick and I liked it a lot.
09/28/98 03:39:34
Name: Nick_aka_Sir Launcelot | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Australia | Favourite Sport: Basketball & Swimming | Favourite Sports Team: The Victorian Titans (N.B.L.) |
Favourite Sports Player: Sam MacKinnon | Favourite Groups/Artist: JENNIFER PAIGE!!!!!! | Hobbies: Nearly everything teen thing |
I love your page,K.A.! It's X-tremely good! Keep it up!
09/28/98 02:28:09
Name: kathy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: madison,ct,usa | Favourite Sport: lacrosse, hockey, soccer, cheerleading (i know, it's not really a sport) | Favourite Sports Team: montreal canadians |
Favourite Sports Player: david beckham (manchester united) | Favourite Groups/Artist: anything canadian | Hobbies: lacrosse, cheerleading, ballet |
this page rocks! it's so nice to see some web sites dedicated to cool, out of the ordinary stuff. there are some real nice pictures here, too. keep up the good work, kathy.
09/27/98 02:29:43
Name: kate | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: new jersey, USA | Favourite Sport: field hockey/ lacrosse | Favourite Sports Team: yankees |
Favourite Sports Player: ---------- | Favourite Groups/Artist: Phish, Van Gogh | Hobbies: playing lax, f hockey, sculpting, flying |
I love the graphics on your webpage. I have never seen anything like it on AOL. It was a lot of fun to look through. I'm intersted in finding out about fashion in King Arthur's time. any suggestions where to start looking? Thanks!
09/18/98 04:36:59
Name: colin f. rodney | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: USA | Favourite Sport: Baseball | Favourite Sports Team: Yankees |
Favourite Sports Player: Don Dreisdale | Favourite Groups/Artist: Promise Group | Hobbies: Reading, hiking |
09/17/98 16:58:13
Name: Ryan | My URL: Visit Me | Country/City: Wallingford |
Favourite Sport: Hockey | Favourite Sports Team: Redskins | Favourite Sports Player: Keith Tkachuk |
Favourite Groups/Artist: Sublime |
What up..............ladies
09/16/98 04:51:28
Name: J.D. Tippit | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Colorado | Favourite Sport: body building | Favourite Sports Team: Avalanche |
Favourite Sports Player: Skip La Cour | Favourite Groups/Artist: Deliviverance | Hobbies: Martial arts, weight lifting, RPGs. |
This webpage rules. Keep up the good work.
09/12/98 04:29:41
Name: vickie rodney | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: usa/chandler, AZ | Favourite Sport: Golf | Favourite Sports Player: Davis Love |
Favourite Groups/Artist: Promise | Hobbies: Reading |
I thank you for creating such a beautiful page where I can enjoy the beauty of camelot.
09/11/98 23:26:59
Name: C@rly | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Favourite Sports Team: Glasgow Celtic | Favourite Sports Player: They are all good | Favourite Groups/Artist: U2 |
Hobbies: use to figure skate then i quit that like 3 months ago cause it was boring after 11years...then i play some soccer sometimes...talk on the phone*a lot!* |
Nice page!
Hey pete you never told me you are part of the round table?*lol*
09/11/98 04:22:51
Name: connie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: jacksonville, fl | Favourite Sport: football | Favourite Sports Team: jaguars |
Favourite Sports Player: brunell | Favourite Groups/Artist: arosmith | Hobbies: guess |
I loved the music and the background, but it was hard for me to read. What do you expect, I'm using webtv. Oneday I'll have a computer and then you can visit my page. cc
Cindy - 09/08/98 11:12:27 My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy My Email:elalla@hotmail.com comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Name: Melissa | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Staffordshire... ;o) | Favourite Sport: Horseback riding | Favourite Groups/Artist: Hanson, Boyz II Men, Aaliyah, Changing Faces |
Hobbies: Writing, reading, singing |
I absolutely love this website. I even set the background as my Windows wallpaper. :) Keep up the good work!
09/06/98 20:00:10
Name: Abby (Dented) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: USA TX | Favourite Sport: BasketBall!!!! | Favourite Sports Team: Bulls! |
Favourite Sports Player: Michael | Favourite Groups/Artist: Jars of Clay | Hobbies: Internet, internet, internet, INTERNET!!! |
08/24/98 15:04:55
Name: Julie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Lewistown, USA | Favourite Sport: Softball | Favourite Sports Team: Pittsburgh Pirates |
Favourite Groups/Artist: Goo Goo Dolls? |
Hey, it's a great page..........but you knew already new that!
08/16/98 19:24:34
Name: Mean-ness | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: Kentucky |
Loved your page..The graphics were wonderfull. Makes mine look pathetic. Great Job!!
08/10/98 02:49:55
Name: Annie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: Singapore |
Favourite Sport: bowling | Hobbies: Reading, watching TV programes |
Love the fanciful background. However, 'coz of that, text in pink cannot be seen clearly. Strainous to the eyes. Perhaps use the standard colour, black for the text instead.
07/29/98 22:06:03
Name: Katt | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Grand Rapids, MI | Favourite Sport: boxing | Favourite Sports Team: none |
Favourite Sports Player: none | Favourite Groups/Artist: Counting Crows | Hobbies: Music, movies, writing, reading, computers, animals, sex |
This web site is excellent!! I have been through every little bit of it and I think it is just groovy. I love the backgrounds and the fantasy that surrounds it. Keep up the good work!!
07/28/98 13:41:47
Name: dylan clements | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: sweden |
please send me your best pics of merlin i need them for a tatoo
07/27/98 20:58:02
Name: aerogirl | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Europe/Finland/Oulu | Favourite Sport: Don't like sports. | Favourite Sports Team: Look above. |
Favourite Sports Player: If I have to say something... Hmm... Okey...David Beckham... I learned to like him a little while I was in England. | Favourite Groups/Artist: Aerosmith. | Hobbies: Acting, playing keyboards, drawing/painting, chatting, movies... |
Nice page. I don't know much about this camelot stuff but I think the page is good looking. *hugz* I hope to see you more at the Simpsons chat.
07/18/98 21:24:53
Name: fun lovin criminal |
My URL: Visit Me |
place looks great derek..but then i allready
know that.....stanley cup this year man
i can feel it!!!!
07/18/98 20:37:31
Name: *IceMaiden* | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Ireland | Favourite Sport: Soccer | Favourite Sports Team: Liverpool FC |
Favourite Sports Player: Michael Owen | Favourite Groups/Artist: Prodigy | Hobbies: Hmmm... lots a stuff! |
I'm a witch will I be burned at the stake? *hehe*
Nice page, it's good to find something different! Very original too!
07/18/98 19:50:45
Name: Xenon | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Scotland | Favourite Sport: Snooker | Favourite Sports Player: Steven Henry |
Favourite Groups/Artist: B*Witched | Hobbies: Pool, Computers, Snooker, Basketball. |
Nice page. I'll see you on the chat site.
And remember :- Give a man a fish, you've fed
him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've
lost a steady customer.
07/17/98 14:56:21
Name: Lady Guinevere | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Canada | Favourite Sport: Mountain biking, Horseback riding |
Hobbies: Who has time for hobbies? |
How come the discussion room isn't working? I think the site is great, although a little hard on the eyes. Interested in e-mailing a few kights and ladies. Take a moment to drop a line.
07/17/98 14:37:37
Name: Lady Guinevere | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: Canada |
Afore mentioned in an e-mail
07/16/98 23:01:35
Name: Sir Robin (Chris Hamilton) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: B.C., Canada | Favourite Sport: Hockey | Favourite Sports Team: Ottawa Senators |
Favourite Sports Player: Theoren Fleury | Favourite Groups/Artist: Moist, Sugar Ray, Puff Daddy, Mase and Rage Against the Machine | Hobbies: Hockey, Golf, Baseball, Basketball, T.V, Video Games and INTERNET!!!!! |
I would just like to say that this is the best page I'v seen on the Internet. King Arthur has put a lot of work into it. He has organized a Knights of the Round Table group, a chatroom and a great web page. So could you do me a favor and please don't w
ite anything stupid on his page. Thank you. Bye.
07/14/98 20:36:26
Name: Princess Liz | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Country/City: USA |
King Arthur i love you and i hope one day to become your queen, i know i'm a slut and a lesbian but please *sobs* please mail me!!!!
07/12/98 18:45:00
Name: Princess Liz |
Country/City: USA |
I just thought you'd all like to know that i'm a slut,ok? bye!!
07/03/98 18:21:00
Name: King Arthur | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Country/City: Montreal,Canada | Favourite Sport: Soccer | Favourite Sports Team: England |
Favourite Sports Player: Micheal Owens | Favourite Groups/Artist: Moist,Our Lady Peace,Foofighters,Econoline Crush,Semi Sonic,Garbage,Blur,Oasis,Jamiroquai,Rage Against the Machine,Savage Garden,Love Inc,etc..... | Hobbies: Sports,Friends,Video Games,Soccer,Movies,Swiming,and you guessed it(the net) |
Hello,I guess I am pathetic for signing my guestbook.Well theres this problem and I had to see if it works.Now I a really pathetic for talking to no one*lol*.Well I guess I can give myself a pat in the back.-King Arthur-cxxxxxxxx|====================