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Hi! My name is Alaura Delcambre, and I was so happy to be crowned the 2000, Non-Photogenic Grand Supreme Queen for Seasonal Pageantry! I had such a good time competing, seeing alot of my pageant friends, and swimming in the pool!
I am the five year old daughter of Jesse and Teresa Delcambre. I live in Commerce, Texas, with my mommy, daddy, and baby brother, Ethan [we call him “E-Boy”. He is a pain in the butt, but kind of cute]. My pets include a dog named “Navarre”, and a pony named “Willow” [who gets out of his fence, and peeks into our bedroom windows! Silly pony!!!]. When I grow up, I would like to be a veterinarian, because I love animals and want to help them feel better when they are sick.
In addition to pageants, I enjoy dancing. I am in my fourth year of ballet, my second year of tap, and I just started taking Jazz class this fall! Tap is my favorite, because you get to make a lot of noise, and the shoes are really neat! My other hobbies include: riding my bike, playing with Barbies, making friends, and getting Ethan into as much trouble as possible!
Pageants have been a part of my life for nearly five years, and I have many people to thank for my success and enjoyment. First of all, I would like to say “hi” to my best pageant bud, Alyson Tyler! I want to say thank you to my Daddy, who never complains about pageants, and tries to help out whenever he can [you’re the BEST daddy in the world--HUGS!]. Most of all, I want to thank my Aunt B for the fabulous clothes and all the love and support she has given me over the years. With out you, Aunt B, I would not be able to do pageants! You are the best!!! |