You are about to see pictures of the beautiful Percheron horses that live or have previously lived at Gammondale Farm. Digger and Diamond are the team of geldings that currently work and live at Gammondale. They came here in May of 1997, and have been enjoying it here very much! They are both very big. Diamond is 17.3 hands high, and was born in 1990. Digger is 17.2 hands high and was born in 1989.
Lady is the mare that lives at Gammondale farm. She helps to pull the sleigh sometimes, but she has even a more important job! That is to produce baby foals. Lady had a foal named Licorice on June 9th, 1997 and she took very good care of her baby. Licorice was born on an afternoon where some very lucky people at the farm got to see her enter the world.
Barney and Bill are a team of geldings who are now 16 years old. They lived at Gammondale farm for 8 years, but in the spring of 1997 they moved to a new home. They have a lot of fun at their new home in Lappe with Veronica and Amanda, and mostly get to do what they want, which is playing outside all day. If you want to visit the page that Barney and Bill helped make and see picture of them and all their new friends, click here when you are done here.
All the adult Percherons that live on Gammondale farm participate in various activities. They give pony rides, pull the sleigh in winter, and the cart in summer, enter horse shows and plowing contests in the fall, pull the wagon, and they also pull a wedding carriage sometimes when people get married.

Digger winning the class, with Gerry Gammond driving him.

A four horse hitch. Digger and Diamond are the wheel horses (the ones closest to the wagon) and the leaders are mares from Highland Draft farm.

Lady and her foal Licorice, who is alot bigger than that now!

Licorice exercising those long legs of hers.

Barney and Bill, with Tricia, Sandra, Margo, and Sue Gammond.

Tricia and Pete's wedding at Gammondale Farm with Candy Mountain in the background. From left to right we have Gerry, Sue, Tricia, Pete, Margo, Sandra and Phil. Beside them are Dal and Pat Maxwell and their Percheron mare Brie, who was so kind as to pull the wedding carriage for the people. We sure had lots of fun at the wedding reception!


Digger and Diamond at the Slate River Plowing Match, Septemeber 1997. From left to right are my exchange student from Germany, Heike Galschuka, Sue Gammond, and Lyn McLeod who is a member of the legislature for Fort William.

Barney at Old Fort William, pulling a cutter with my people Gerry and Margo.

Diamond with my friend Kelli Pinner.

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