Hi, my name is Aggie and I'm a Yellow Labrador Retriever.

Welcome to "my" farm! Please stay and visit with me for awhile; I make good company and I'll tell you all about this wonderful and interesting place I call home. Click on my picture to learn more about me too!
Gammondale Farm is located near Thunder Bay, Ontario. (Click here to see a picture of the farm). I came to live here three years ago. It is a beautiful farm with big strawberry fields, and it's nestled in the Slate River Valley. Besides me and a lot of other animals, there are some people that help operate the farm too! There are Sue and Gerry Gammond who live on and own the farm. They have grown up kids who don't live here anymore, but that come back and visit lots. There's Tricia who is married to Pete, Sandra (and her friend Phil) and Margo. It is a busy and exciting place and new things are happening here all the time, depending on whether it's winter or summer or fall or spring, or Christmas, or hot or cold, or May or June... need I go on? Sometimes there are sleigh rides to go on, or strawberries to plant, or maple sugar to make, or baby animals being born... There are always fun things going on, certainly enough to keep a dog like me very busy and entertained. I listen to my owners talk and I watch them closely when they do something, and so I have learned a lot about running a farm. (I bet they don't even know I understand them!) Sometimes they wonder who let the animals out of the barn, or who picked the bucket of strawberries, or hitched the horses up to the sleigh, and really it is me practicing what I have learned with my keen ears and watchful eyes!
I have lot's of different kinds of friends here, and I love to play with them! There are four percherons, two cats, two goats, a lamb, two rabbits, and two ponies. Oh, and I musn't forget the hens that lay nice brown eggs every day for my people's breakfast. I tried laying an egg once but it didn't work, so I really admire those hens!
Now that you know a little bit about Gammondale, what would you like to do next? Click on the strawberries to learn about strawberry farming, click on the Percherons to learn about the big draft horses, and click on the picture of me and I will take you on a tour of the farm to meet all the other animals.
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