Hi, Thank you for visiting my Web Forest.
Don't forget to carve your name in my Guestbook.

Su Ann - 04/09/00 12:40:24
My Email:lipee84@hotmail.com
Location: Singapore
Age: 15

Hello Stacey, Keep up the good work with your web page. Best Regards, SA

dave - 03/12/00 22:10:48
My URL:http://www.paidwhilesurfing.net
My Email:baez154@themail.com
Location: ny
Favourite Site: mine
Age: 17

nice page i like it a lot check out my site, you can be paid to surf

Robyn Connor - 02/19/00 04:53:07
My Email:robyn_connor@hotmail.com
Location: Nassau Bahamas
Age: 13


Cassie92 - 01/21/00 12:24:28
My URL:http://People.goplay.com/Cassie92
My Email:Cassie92@goplay.com
Location: Saudia Arabia
Favourite Site: Purple Moon
Did you rank my Site?: yes


Jenny - 12/11/99 17:36:49
My Email:dawsonwoman@hotmail.com
Location: England
Age: 14
Did you rank my Site?: no

Very good Stacey!!!

Marianna - 12/11/99 01:41:00
My Email:MaDeMoiSeLLe5@aol.com
Location: The States
Favourite Site: www.angelfire.com/nh/princeharryzone
Age: 12
Did you rank my Site?: not yet

This is really nice. I've been quite interested in Roedean School and it's nice to meet a girl from there. This sight is well done.

Vampire Armand - 11/15/99 10:34:44
My Email:Nirvana_4@yahoo.com
Location: England
Favourite Site: http:/www.oldcuriosityshop.net/
Age: 30?
Did you rank my Site?: sweet

Can't express myself?

EmilyK - 11/13/99 18:51:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/3667/
My Email:beaniegirl12@excite.com
Location: WI
Favourite Site: http://www.vikimouse.com
Age: 10
Did you rank my Site?: no

You have done a nice job on your page. You sound like a busy girl. I like to play the piano, too. School and Girl Scouts keep me busy. Keep up the good work!

Visit Me!

EmilyK - 11/13/99 18:46:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/7630/
My Email:kittygirl84@excite.com
Location: WI
Favourite Site: http://www.furby.com
Did you rank my Site?: Can't anymore

You have done a great job on your page. Your school is rather large! My school isn't quite that big, but we don't live there, either. My mom liked all of your songs. I really like to draw, espcially, dogs, horse, and Pokemon characters. Keep up the good work.

Visit Me!

Maryanne - 10/16/99 02:01:40
My Email:MistressMidieval@aol.com
Location: The States
Favourite Site: Your in it!!
Age: 12
Did you rank my Site?: Yup. I like what you've done here Stacy

This is such a great website! Honestly, this is the best I have ever seen out of any type. You know Stacy, you sort of look like me. A little. Anyway, I'm always coming to this site. It's awesome. Wait, what is it you Britts say? oh yea "Wicked man, wicke " If I could talk my mom into moving to England, I'd go to Roedean. E-mail me sometime. Love your site.

Lucy-Yvette Pellegrini - 10/10/99 10:23:58
My URL:http://www.homepages.go.com/lucypellegrini/~lucy-yvette
My Email:lucy-yvette@cybergal.com
Location: Wales UK
Favourite Site: www.danceart.com
Age: 15
Did you rank my Site?: No but I will now!!!

Hey Stacey Your website is really cool. I love dancing too!!!!! I do RAD and ISTD Please email me back soon!!!! Love Lucy-Yvette xxx

Donate Free Food - 08/25/99 21:08:01
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/20/99 20:45:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 00:49:20
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 02:45:26
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring

John Rosenwinkel (Laura's brother) - 08/11/99 16:59:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Cauldron/3822
My Email:trosen@netnitco.net
Location: Northwest IN
Favourite Site: I Dunno
Age: 14
Did you rank my Site?: I don't know how but it's better than mine check it out!


Liz Grant - 08/09/99 15:22:36
My Email:lizthemole@hotmail
Location: Northampton, UK
Age: 15
Did you rank my Site?: Yes

I thought your site was innovative and interesting - you are to be commending on creating such a good site aged only twelve. I discovered this site from the Roedean website where I may attend for sixth form. Congratulations!

Tom Rosenwinkel - 08/05/99 22:38:39
Location: Indiana, USA
Age: 17
Did you rank my Site?: just did

Nice site. Liked reading about your trips. I didn't quite understand about the cherubs or sitewars, and couldn't figure out how to vote for your site.

Pat Cook - 07/16/99 02:01:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Haven/1140
My Email:woaussie@inreach.com
Location: California
Did you rank my Site?: yes

Hi you have a very nice site. Do you miss Africa? How do you like Egland?

michelle o'malley - 07/11/99 10:14:06
My Email:omalley@iafrica.com
Location: johannesburg
Age: A MOM for son age 10= christopher
Did you rank my Site?: 8/10

I thought you were a "BOY".... sorry. Someone from South Africa saying HI? God bless Michelle

paul conneally - 06/20/99 22:46:25
My Email:paulconneally@yahoo.com
Location: charnwood england
Age: very old

I got here by accident but stayed a while! Interesting pages - a lot of work gone into them! I've E-mailed you about trying out some haiku - you probably know all about how to do them already - if not ask one of your teachers! Good luck! Paul Conneally (I appear as Paul Drugs on my other e-mail - not because i'm a drug addict but because i'm a drugs education officer and my colleagues recognise me that way!)

Kyle - 06/05/99 02:19:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/1866/
My Email:kkidsville@kkids.zzn.com
Location: MS USA
Favourite Site: http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Creek/9558/
Did you rank my Site?: no but i will

Great site. Enjoyed looking around with mom. Come visit us if you can.

Anna Scherpelz - 04/24/99 21:56:05
My Email:leazah@hotmail.com
Location: Wisconsin, USA
Favourite Site: GURL.com
Age: 14
Did you rank my Site?: no, sorry

I would like to e-mail you, but my computer will not let me enter that link. =( I'll try again later.

Rita Porter - 04/17/99 22:56:11
My Email:reeporter@yahoo.com
Location: South Africa
Favourite Site: This one

Lovely site. keep it up.

Colin Porter - 04/14/99 12:44:58
My URL:http://www.systemc.net
My Email:colinp@pleasurefoods.co.za
Location: South Africa
Favourite Site: Yours !!!
Age: 36
Did you rank my Site?: Ya! The Best!

Great Site, Stacey. Keep it up. Your uncle Colin

Michele Allen - 04/09/99 04:59:35
My Email:michele_allen@hotmail.com

Excellent site. Best of luck and keep on dancing.

K. Thomson - 03/18/99 10:08:36
My Email:KT@Roedean.co.uk
Location: You know where
Favourite Site: Arsenal
Age: Not telling
Did you rank my Site?: Excellent

I'm showing Dr. Birch your site. Its great. Regards, Mr. T.

Emma HUghes - 03/01/99 16:52:43
My Email:babaloo247@hotmail.com
Age: 12
Did you rank my Site?: yep.

I've already been here about 5 billion times, so I'll just say one thing... Bye Bye !

SASKIA BOXFORD - 02/19/99 19:02:33
My Email:SB5
Location: YOU KNOW
Favourite Site: PARIS
Age: 13


Emma Hughes - 01/25/99 18:00:34
Age: 12

Well, you know me, so I'll just go away now !

Mary - 10/06/98 03:12:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/4279/
My Email:marydanna@yahoo.com
Location: Houston, TX
Favourite Site: Well, it'd be hard to name just one.
Age: 11
Did you rank my Site?: Yes.

Very lovely site! Keep up the great work!

George - 09/23/98 18:57:46
My Email:georgesir@webmail.co.za
Location: South Africa
Favourite Site: yours
Age: 12
Did you rank my Site?: EVERY TIME YOU E-MAILED ME

Nice what you done I hope you got my E-mail I sent you if you didn't i am going to kill myself. I tried to E-mail you 7 times you will see in the E-mail

Euan McKean - 09/09/98 13:53:52
Location: Informix
Age: 29

Hi Stacey, a very nice website. Your dad's told me all about it, so I thought I'd take a peek. C U $-)

Amber - 08/21/98 20:37:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/kyliesnewbeginng/ambernkylie.html
My Email:amki@Hotmail.com
Location: Ohio, USA
Favourite Site: All of them
Did you rank my Site?: yes

Your pages are so pretty*smile* I loved looking at them please come and visit my homepage too:) God Bless you!

Ghila Lyons - 08/02/98 09:51:25
My Email:Ghi11@hotmail.com or the other one!!!
Location: England
Favourite Site: this one!!!
Age: 11
Did you rank my Site?: what does that mean!!!

i love it it was really good.

Gary,Shirly & Kevin - 08/01/98 06:51:31
My Email:corral@mweb.co.za
Location: South Africa

We wish you a very happy birthday and hope you have a lovely day. Lots of love from the three of us.

Dave Murray - 07/24/98 15:05:56
My Email:murray_dave@hotmail.com
Location: Cape Town
Favourite Site: www.softimage.com
Age: 26
Did you rank my Site?: not yet

Absolutely brilliant for someone your age. Excellent use of the lake java applet. Nice to see a site that would keep people coming back. Keep it up !

Kat Wyble - 06/02/98 05:23:36
My Email:K-wyble@bigfoot.com
Location: Louisiana(usa)
Age: 25
Did you rank my Site?: 10

Hello Stacey, You have a great page. Keep up the great work. Someday I would like to visit where you live.

Emma - 05/22/98 20:11:07
Location: England
Age: 13
Did you rank my Site?: yes

Hi Stace, excellant page!!! I'm really impressed, as soon as my homepage is finished I promise to put it in you web ring queue!!! Have a great half term c ya soon Emma Perkins

Marlene - 05/16/98 19:43:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8717/
My Email:spies@idirect.com
Location: Canada (born South Africa)
Favourite Site: http://webhome.idirect.com/~spies
Age: 36
Did you rank my Site?: yes

Hi! I think you have a great page. Our two sons, Jaco and Theo, will start playing around with Web pages soon. You can see what they are doing here in Canada on the Geocities page. We also spent time in England in 1997 and those pictures will be on the We soon. Keep up your good work. This is a really nice page. Groete!

Carole - 05/14/98 04:13:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/nightowlsgazebo/index.html
My Email:dleea@usa.net
Location: Oklahoma, USA
Favourite Site: Too many to mention
Age: N/A
Voted for my Site?: Sure

Your web page design is very nice, and I loved all the photos - especially the one of Tower Bridge. You have an interesting web site. I enjoyed my visit :-)

Sarah's Mom - 05/13/98 00:46:15
My URL:http://www.GeoCities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/9207
My Email:misssarahbeth@geocities.com
Location: noble, oklahoma usa

I love this site. It really display your culture and lifestyle well. I'm going to let my daughter, SarahBeth, surf this page next Saturday. Keep up the GREAT work!

Coen van de Kamp - 05/12/98 14:39:36
My Email:coenk@informix.com
Location: Holland
Favourite Site: WWW.INFORMIX.COM
Age: 32

Hoi, Ik ben een collega van je vader. Je web pagina ziet er heel mooi uit. Ga zo door, en zeg tegen je vader dat hij minder hard moet werken. Groetjes Coen.

Leslie - 05/02/98 23:34:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/1393/index.html
My Email:krickadoodle@geocities.com
Location: Lafayette,Louisiana
Favourite Site: I have a few favorite sites!
Age: 23
Voted for my Site?: yes

Hi!! I just love your site. The graphics are beautiful! You and your mom did a great job...keep it up!

Sara Marks - 04/09/98 14:55:40
My URL:http://www.afn.org/~afn03954
My Email:sm123@afn.org
Location: Florida
Favourite Site: http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/8806
Age: 21
Voted for my Site?: I would if I wasnt competing against you

Just stoping by to say hello to my team mates! Here is some spirit and a good luck charm to put on your spirit age!

Fairy Serenity - 04/08/98 18:10:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/1550
My Email:fairyserenity@kelseyskorner.com
Voted for my Site?: Yes


Don't forget to post cheers in SHOUT IT OUT!
And Let the Cheers Begin!
Tsk we need to fill up our team's DWall!!

Here is a Spirit Stick Especially For You 

Kyle Mons - 04/08/98 16:37:32
My Email:kmons@hotmail.com
Location: South Africa
Age: 12
Voted for my Site?: Yes

Great site!

Kristy Cellitti - 04/07/98 02:44:16
My Email:mcellitti@worldnet.att.net
Location: NC
Age: 19


Twinkle, Twinkle
little star.
A Fairy has come from afar,
To wish you joy and wish you luck.
To give you spirit and boost you up.
Don't forget to post your cheers in Shout It Out.
So everyone can hear. Good luck to you in the Sitefights.
Shout 5 good Cheers for all to hear
Toss a Snow Ball and you will see a friend thy will make
and if you need some info you can count on
Me your new friend
Visit the DFairy realm at: http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
SSpirit Fairy Child

Fairy Whimsical - 04/05/98 23:18:00
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:darden@edge.net
Location: tennessee
Favourite Site: sitefights
Voted for my Site?: yes


~~***~~~SpRiNkLe~~~***~~~SpRiNkLe~~~***~~~You have been fairy dusted by Spirit Fairy Whimsical from the Site Fights. I'm here to wish you good luck in the fights and to give your site a "Spirit Check". Don't forget to post a cheer in SHOUT IT OUT! and let the Cheers Begin!

Good luck in the Circle This week. Please except my spirit stick for goodluck at the fights this week,

Don’t forget to SHOUT IT OUT because you might just receive a nice surprise from this fairy also but you have to post those cheers for me to find.

dPixie - 04/05/98 22:56:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/8682
My Email:cell13@pixie.co.za
Location: Johannesburg
Voted for my Site?: Yes


~ Do you call it happy ~

When the sun shines through the rain

and the droplets on the new pink leaves

catch the light again?

Do you call it beautiful ~

the scent that's on the bank

from bluebells and the bugle flowers

and mosses dark and damp?

Do you all it spring again ~

When midges start to bite

and blackbirds find a singing bough

and celandines catch light?


If you need more supporters, check out http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/8682/sitefight.html and fill out your details there. I still like to support fighters although I'm not fighting at the moment, but I'll be back! <( :-)>

Wee One Katrina - 04/05/98 05:51:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~katskeep
My Email:katskeep@geocities.com
Location: Canada
Age: 14
Voted for my Site?: Yup


Golden Moon Stick

I came here to check your spirit
And found that you had a ton
But the fairies can't hear it
If you don't post it
So visit Shout It Out
And join in the fun!
~*~*~*~You have tickled by Wee One Katrina's wing~*~*~*~

Remember to support your team and share the spirit!
Post your cheers every day, and leave a message on our message board!
Check out the other teams and support your team members in the Warzone and the Dome!
*Visit DFairy's Realm*Visit DSpirit*
*My Fairy Mom, Spirit Fairy Angel*

~I love to go a-wandering~
~Along the spirit path~
~And as I go, I love to cheer~
~And hear the fairies laugh~
Wee One Katrina

Lady Addie - 04/04/98 00:05:00
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:addie13@cheerful.com
Location: Alva, Oklahoma
Favourite Site: Realm of the Fairies
Age: 21
Voted for my Site?: YES




Surprise! You have been dusted by Lady Addie!

Just flew by your spot to perform a spirit check and to

spread fairy dust around the place!

Fairy dust, as majical as the dust on

butterfly wings.

On behalf of the Knights Fairy Team,

we wish you the best of luck in the Site Fights!

Be sure to post your cheers inShout It Outand you may win an award!

~*~*~SpRiNk< FONT>Le*SpRiNkLe~*~*~

Visit Addie's Spot

Email me if you would like to exchange votes!

Click here to Vote!

Cherub Carina - 04/03/98 02:33:51
My URL:http://welcome.to/carina/
My Email:bug143@worldnet.att.net
Location: ca
Age: 14
Voted for my Site?: yes


~*~ *Sp rin kle *~* ~

~ *~* Spr ink le* ~*~
~* ~*S pri nkl e*~ *~

Congratulations on making it to the next round in the Site Fights! Good luck!

Wee One Carina here,
Checking your site for spirit and cheer!

~Hope knowing that you're thought of
In a very special way
Will add an extra little bit
Of sunshine to your day!~

Go Shout it Out!
Show your team what you're all about!

Check out the other teams and support yours in the Dome!

~*DFairy's Realm*~ ~*Carina's Homepage*~
~*My Cherub Buddy, Spirit Fairy Angel*~

~*You have been tickled by Wee One Carina*~

~*Wee One Carina*~

~* I have come to show you how to win *~
~* A vote from you for your page will do will real nice *~
~* Then to the cherub roster you should go *~
~* And sign the guest books as you go *~
~* DVote Exchange is a nice place too *~
~* Vote for a pal, then they'll vote for you *~
~* Don't forget to shout it out! *~
~* Spread that spirit all about! *~
~* Have you made a spirit page? *~
~* That will make the fairy's day! *~
~* Then before you know it, a friend you have made *~
~* To help you vote for your wonderful page! *~

Wee one Fizzy - 04/02/98 11:41:37
My Email:mib_agent_raptor@hotmail.com
Location: Fiaryland
Favourite Site: all of them
Age: 15
Voted for my Site?: yep


The Site Fights Easter Egg


By the moon we sport and play,
With the night begins our day
As we daunce, the dew doth fall
Trip it little urchins all,
Lightly as the little Bee,
Two by two and three by three
And about go wee, and about go wee
~ William Shakespeare Midsummer's Night Dream ~
Hello i'm wee one Fizzy

here to spread the spirit!

and to wish you luck in the site fights!

heres a few little gifts from me to you!

first a few words of inspiration

Perhaps we're too embarrassed to change or too frightened of the consequences of showing that we actually care. But why not risk it anyway? Begin Today. Carry out a random act of seemingly senseless kindness, with no expectation or reward or punishment. Safe in the knowledge that one day, someone somewhere might do the same for you. ~ Princess Diana ~

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa ~

and the second gift for you a few spirit sticks!
always remember to pass the spirit stick!

and the third and last gift
a spirit pony she'll give a lil cheer for your site!

please stop by my site and see me!

Wee one Fizzy - 04/02/98 11:40:11
My Email:mib_agent_raptor@hotmail.com
Location: Fairyland
Favourite Site: all of them!
Age: 15
Voted for my Site?: not yet! going to soon1


and to wish you luck in the site fights!

heres a few little gifts from me to you!

first a few words of inspiration

Perhaps we're too embarrassed to change or too frightened of the consequences of showing that we actually care. But why not risk it anyway? Begin Today. Carry out a random act of seemingly senseless kindness, with no expectation or reward or punishment. Safe in the knowledge that one day, someone somewhere might do the same for you. ~ Princess Diana ~

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa ~

and the second gift for you a few spirit sticks!
always remember to pass the spirit stick!

and the third and last gift
a spirit pony she'll give a lil cheer for your site!

please stop by my site and see me!

Pummie - 04/02/98 03:08:11
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Glade/9902/
My Email:pummie@cnanetworks.com
Location: New Hampshire
Voted for my Site?: yes

Enchanted Forest Magic Attic Club Really nice site - well organized - so much stuff to see - will have to come back again! I like to dance,roller skate,attend Live Theater,sing,collect Barbies and Magic Attic Dolls and books. You're invited to join the Enchanted Forest Magic Attic Club !

Granddad Kubannek - 03/31/98 18:03:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/8709/
My Email:hkubannek@yahoo.com
Location: South Africa
Favourite Site: This one
Age: Too young to say
Voted for my Site?: Yes

Fantastic site. Well done Stacey I'm proud of you.

Fairy Angelwing - 03/29/98 00:42:44
My URL:http://members.spree.com/dazyrose
My Email:dianel@sbt.infi.net

Hi.. just popped by to say goood luck this week in the site fights....thanks for singing my guestbook.:)) Have a great week! Ill be back soon :) Fairy Angelwing

Kel - 03/28/98 03:54:06
My URL:http://kelsplace.home.ml.org
My Email:kelder@planet.eon.net
Location: Edmonton
Age: 14
Voted for my Site?: yep

Hi there!! Lots of luck in the Fights, I absolutely love your page!!! :) If you'd like a vote exchange, contact me, I'd love to. Have a great day!!!

Natalie - 03/26/98 02:45:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Boulevard/7315/
My Email:eng6874@umoncton.ca
Location: Canada
Favourite Site: none
Age: 20
Voted for my Site?: not yet...

Beautiful site! I can't believe you are only 11! :) Keep it up!

Jeannine - 03/25/98 21:25:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1116
My Email:jeannine_iles@yahoo.com
Location: Oklahoma USA
Age: 48
Voted for my Site?: yes

You have a very wonderful website. I learned a lot not only about you, your hobbies, but about South Africa and Judisim. Your parents must be very proud of your. Keep up the good work.

Karlo - 03/25/98 16:58:45
My URL:http://www.cryogen.com/spikerboy
My Email:spikerboy@cryogen.com
Location: I don't know, you tell me.
Favourite Site: Take a guess.
Age: If you don't know, I'm not telling you!
Voted for my Site?: voted for what?!?


I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I said with a sigh,
I want to cancel my dinner and go straight to my pie
I want ice cream and cake, and toast on my jelly,
And I don't care if I grow a big belly.

boonie and nico - 03/25/98 15:49:26
My URL:http://members.aol.com/NIQUEYES/da-boys-place.html
My Email:boonyNjay@aol.com
Location: usa
Favourite Site: many
Voted for my Site?: yep

really neat site you have I like alot

Fairy Whimsical - 03/25/98 07:15:54
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:darden@edge.net
Location: tennessee
Favourite Site: sitefights


~~***~~~SpRiNkLe~~~***~~~SpRiNkLe~~~***~~~You have been fairy dusted by Spirit Fairy Whimsical from the Site Fights. I'm here to wish you good luck in the fights and to give your site a "Spirit Check". Don't forget to post a cheer in SHOUT IT OUT! and let the Cheers Begin!

Please except my spirit stick for goodluck at the fights this week,

Pookie - 03/24/98 02:26:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/2890/
My Email:pookie1@mailexcite.com
Location: Ont Can
Voted for my Site?: Yeppers :)

Great page :) Just stop by to wish ya good good and to take a peek at ya site :) I pass the spirit Stick on to you for good luck :)
This is home for me Come and Vist:)

Michelle - 03/23/98 18:46:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/michelleandfriends
My Email:mbyrd@globalsite.net
Location: Indiana Usa
Favourite Site: To many to name them all here
Age: Really Old *G*
Voted for my Site?: Starting today

What a beautiful site. Just passing through and wishing you good luck in the site fights. Passing along a spirit stick for luck.

Michelle Let's exchange votes *S*

Fairy Light - 03/23/98 14:06:13
My URL:http://northern-dreams.com/Morning-Glory
My Email:glory@mnsi.net
Location: Canada
Voted for my Site?: Yes

*Sprinkle* *Sprinkle* Wee Fairy Light,
Bring Those Stars Out Tonite!!
Fluff Them Clouds So Soft And White,
Till Mr. Sun Goes Down Tonite!!

Give The Old Man In The Moon A Smile,
While Collecting Moon Dust All The While!!
Fly Pegasus With Gossamer Wings,
To Earth The Moons Magic Dust To Bring!!

Spread Some Cheer, Love And Light,
To Make You Spirited To Fight!!
So Grab Your Sticks And Come Along,
To Make This Cheersong, Clear And Strong!!

Now Set To Fight, Let's Have Some Fun,
For The Fairy-Cheer Has Just Begun!!

Vixen - 03/23/98 04:56:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/4671
My Email:vixen@aei.ca
Location: Montreal, QC, Canada
Favourite Site: hmmmmm...got a lot..:0)
Age: shhhhh....
Voted for my Site?: I will tomorrow!! :0)

Passing by to share with you a spirit stick of luck!! Best of luck this coming week. KEEP THE SPIRIT!! :0)

Lady Angel Fairy - 03/23/98 02:05:38
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:angelsfairy@hotmail.com

To Keep the Cherub Team Spirit Glowing
Cherubs fairyAngels are the guardians of hope and wonder,
the keepers of the cherub team spirit
magic and dreams.....Cherub fairy Angels watch over you wherever you go,
keeping each day perfect and promising a bright new tomorrow.....The motto of all cherub fairy angels is 'it's a wonderful life'.....Wherever there is love; an Cherub fairy angel is flying by.....
Cherub fairy Angels help you carry the ball, carry a tune,carry your weight and carry on.....
Your guardian Cherub fairy angel knows you inside and out andloves you just the way you are.....
Cherubs fairy Angels keep the world safe for hummingbirdsand butterflies and rainbows in the spring.....
Cherub fairy Angels keep it simple and always travel light.....
Cherub fairy Angels love whispering secrets and whistling in the dark.....
Whenever you hear music, an angel is speaking to you.....Remember to leave space in your relationships
so the Cherub fairy angels have room to play.....Your guardian cherub fairy angel helps you to find a
place when you feel there's no place to go.....Keep a spare Cherub fairy angel in your pocket.....
Cherub fairy Angels carry high-beam lights to help you through the darkest
Whenever you feel lonely, a special Cherub fairy angel drops in for tea.....Cherub fairy Angels know that love is the only four letter word.....
We are always 'Cherub fairy angels on call' for a friend.....Every time you hear a bell, another Cherub angel has earned it's wings.....Cherubs fairy Angels are with you every step of the wayand help you soar with amazing grace.....After all, we are Cherub fairy angels in training; all
we have to do is spread our wings and fly..

phlarekat - 03/17/98 07:26:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/1503
My Email:phlarekat@geocities.com
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Favourite Site: www.warnerbros.com
Age: --
Voted for my Site?: ? don't know what the "fights" are..:)

What a cute page! You and your mom have ben BUSY! Keep up the good Work!

jenni - 03/07/98 17:55:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/1476
My Email:on_his_wings@hotmail.com
Location: california
Favourite Site: the campus journal site --- http;//www.cj.org
Age: 17
Voted for my Site?: yep!

you've got a really cool site. i love the graphics and i love your little guardian angel.

Young Author - 03/02/98 00:08:46
My URL:http://geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/6358
My Email:youngauthor@stones.com
Location: Nowhere
Favourite Site: This site
Age: 11
Voted for my Site?: Not yet.

Dear Stacey, I have no idea how to use HTML,can you help me?? MY site is so boring and so lousy. Help me!!!!!!!!!!11

Ben Kerrigan - 02/27/98 18:42:35
My Email:Luman@Mweb.co.za
Location: South Africa
Favourite Site: www.unversal-games.com
Age: 14
Voted for my Site?: 11 out of 10

I used to be Staceys best friend in South Africa and its kinda getting lonely here. Best of luck Ben

Rebecca Dawkins - 02/24/98 21:57:38
Location: Clinton MA
Age: 11


Tammy - 02/08/98 17:09:31
My Email:tamera@iafrica.com
Location: South Africa
Favourite Site: your web page?
Age: now that would be telling

Stacey it's too precious - just like you. Missing you stacks, can't wait to see you!! Love you lots and lots ...........

Jenn - 02/03/98 18:59:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/5608
My Email:rainbowkids@geocities.com
Location: USA
Favourite Site: Um I don't know.....
Age: 27
Voted for my Site?: not yet

Your site is terrific!

George Sirmalenios - 01/31/98 08:12:44
Location: South Africa
Favourite Site: Tomb raider 2
Age: 12

Your site looks nice E- mail us You must have done a lot of work Love George Sirmalenios

Elmo64 - 01/26/98 23:19:31
My Email:elmopage@yahoo.com
Location: Texas USA
Favourite Site: http://www.nick.com

I'm starting a home page too. http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/ 1654 Hope to have it up in a few days. You have a good page.

Nicky Hambides - 01/23/98 08:33:39
My Email:Nicky@ZA.IBM.COM
Location: South Africa
Favourite Site: Yours!
Age: 23

Hi Stacy, I'm SO impressed with your web-page !!!! I hope to come to England and visit your family very soon... Love, Nicky

Kristine - 01/13/98 22:11:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/6755
My Email:steeny@usa.net
Location: Milwaukee, WI, USA
Favourite Site: Ladies of the Heart
Age: 20
Voted for my Site?: have not yet, but will as soon as I'm done

Stacey, your site is beautiful! I loved hearing all about your interests and your schools and seeing your pictures. Keep up the good work. Lots of love, Kristine

Adrienne Dowling - 01/13/98 07:42:15
My Email:adowling@ppc.co.za
Location: South Africa
Voted for my Site?: Yes

Your site is great. Well done.

Theo Winkelmann - 01/11/98 09:07:45
My Email:theow@iafrica.com
Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Age: 27
Voted for my Site?: Yes

Excellent! The music is stunning and the graphics impeccable (especially the Boeing).

Sean Creasy - 01/10/98 01:58:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~n3yne/
My Email:n3yne@usa.net
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Favourite Site: this one!!!
Age: 12
Voted for my Site?: Yes

This is a very good page(compared to mine!!!).

Janine Goldman-Pach - 01/09/98 07:14:54
My URL:http://members.aol.com/vipdancer/
My Email:VIPDancer@aol.com
Location: Tucson,AZ
Age: 29

My Dance Centers USA site was added to the Dancers World Webring. I'm travelling around saying hello. Your site is well designed. One suggestion - add a sound control to turn the sound off.

James A. - 01/05/98 18:28:37
My URL:http://members.aol.com/james38533/index.html
My Email:James38533@aol.com
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Favourite Site: none
Age: 11
Voted for my Site?: not yet

nice......I like the Disney music background.

Charmaine Porter - 01/03/98 23:34:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/6993/
My Email:cporter@dial.pipex.com
Location: UK
Favourite Site: http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/4847/
Voted for my Site?: Yes

Hi Stac, Well done!!! Love Mom

Dad - 01/02/98 23:10:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lab/2046/
My Email:sporter@dial.pipex.com
Location: UK
Favourite Site: www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/4847
Age: 36
Voted for my Site?: yes

Hi Kiddo This is a great site. Well Done

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