I'm Kara. I'm 10 years old and in grade 5. I live in western Canada with my mom, my almost step-dad and my brother, Kevin. My best friend is Jenelle.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to read. I'd read all evening and all weekend if my mom would let me. Too bad chores and stuff have to interfere. My favourite books are the Love Comes Softly series by Janette Oke, the Sweet Valley series and Nancy Drew books. But really, give me any mystery book and I'll be happy! Besides reading, I like to write too. I like writing short stories, poems --- anything actually. I just heard about a kids online publishing thing so I'm going to submit some of my stuff. Check out my writing page and check out my brothers and my reading/book page.
I am a huge fan of the Backstreet Boys. They're SO cool! I'm totally in love with Nick Carter. *sigh*. He's SOOOO gorgeous. Check out my BSB page.
I don't watch a whole lot of TV, because I spend most of my time at home reading. But I do like Sailor Moon. The only problem is that most days it's on during the day when I'm at school. So I only get to watch it Fridays and holidays. You really have to check out my Sailor Moon Page. It's great!
I love animals. Horses are my favourite, but I love all kinds of animals. I want to be a vet when I grow up. I love nature. Flowers, treees, animals, the environment..... I'm very concerned about it all, and what will be left for us in the years to come.
I like to write letters, too. So if you're a girl about the same age as me, why don't you send me an e-mail. I promise to write back.
I'm Kevin. I'm 6 years old and I'm in grade 1.
I like all sorts of different things. I'm really into Star Wars. I'm putting posters all over my walls and stuff. I think Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are both really cool. You gotta check out my Star Wars page.... my step-dad did it up for me cause he's nuts about Star Wars too.
I like ninjas and karate too. They are so tough. I wonder.... if the best ninja could beat Darth Vader in a fight....... Cowboys are really neat too. That's how my bedroom is done up. Cowboys (with lots of Star Wars stuff on the walls!!!) OK... maybe they don't go together, but I like them!
I'm starting soccer this year. I can't wait. I know I'm going to be really good at it!! My best friend Ryan is starting with me. We're on the same team - the Seagulls.
I like computer games alot. We have this cool Star Wars game that we play. And I'm getting to be a really good racecar driver!!!! (on the computer, that is) Maybe I'll be another Jacques Villeneuve!!!!! But one of my favourite things if my computer pet. It's from this program called Oddballz. He's from the "honker" breed, he's purple and I named him Duke!!!! Those oddballz are too cool..... everyone should have a computer pet!!!!!!! Check out my link on the main page to find out more about them.
I like cartoons. Animanics and Rugrats are my very favourites. But I like Insectors and Batman too.
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