Books...... how could anyone live without them. To be carried off to another place, another time --- to imagine yourself as one of the characters ...... So grab your favourite book, curl up in a chair, and drift away......
I love Love LOVE to read!!!! Here's my favourites:
JANETTE OKE'S "LOVE COMES SOFTLY" series: My Aunt Becky gave me the set of Love Comes Softly books by Janette Oke last year, and I've read all 8 of them about 10 times. These books are about a pioneer woman, Belinda, and her family.
FRANCINE PASCAL'S "SWEET VALLEY" books: There's books for all ages of kids here. They start off with Sweet Valley Kids, then move to Sweet Valley Twins, then on to Sweet Valley High and then to Sweet Valley University. I started reading them as soon as I learned how to read in grade 1, by reading the Sweet Valley Kids ones, and now I'm reading the Twins and High books. I love them all. Sweet Valley High has also been made into a TV show, which is good too. Here's some links to Sweet Valley High:
Sweet Valley High (meet the author, join the fan club, and lots of other info)
The World of Sweet Valley
Sweet Valley Online
The Unofficial Sweet Valley High Website
An Article About the author, Francine Pascal
CAROLINE KEENE'S "NANCY DREW" books: Well, I think everyone knows what the Nancy Drew books are all about. But in case you don't, they're books about a teenaged girl named Nancy who likes to solve mysteries. Nancy, her boyfriend Ned, and her two friends, Bess and George, get into lots of trouble. The books first came out in 1929 and I even have some of these books that belonged to my grandma when she was a kid. My favourite Nancy Drew book is Murder on Ice, (from the Nancy Drew Files set) which takes place at a ski lodge. Besides a newsgroup called alt.books.nancy-drew, there's just a few Nancy Drew links. Here they are:
I'm in grade 1 and just learned to read this year. I like reading and I really like books.
ROBERT MUNCH books: Our family loves Robert Munsch's stories. From the day we got our first two Munsch books - "I Love You Forever" and "A Promise Is a Promise".... his stories have been the most often picked for bedtime. Robert Munsch was born in the U.S., but now lives in Ontario, Canada. He has three children, each of whom have made appearances in some of his books. He now has 27 books published, the best selling and favourite of which is I Love You Forever.
I LOVE YOU FOREVER: Kevin's Comments: "My grandma gave my mom this book when I was born. My sister was almost 4 years old at the time. I don't remember it, of course, but my sister said that my mom couldn't even finish the book she was crying so hard. She still hasn't ever made it through the story without crying. Good thing I can read myself now... cause now I can finally hear the full story without my mom crying through it!"
I Love You Forever is an extremely touching story about the enduring love of a mother for her child. It's a story of a mother, holding her newborn son, singing these words to him:
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.
The years pass by, the baby grows up, going through the different stages of his life. As he grows, his mother continues to sing those words to him. Finally there comes to a day when the mother is very old and ill and asks her son to come to her. He does... and she finds she is too weak to sing her song to him. The son picks up his mother in his arms... and sings the song to her.... and then goes home and sings the song to his baby daughter.
I don't believe any mother could read this story without, at the very least, having tears come to her eyes.
THE FIRE STATION: Two kids, Michael and Sheila pay a visit to a fire station. The alarm sounds.... and Michael and Sheila, hiding in the fire truck..... head off with the firemen, who don't know they have two young stowaways in the truck!
PURPLE GREEN AND YELLOW: Brigid likes to colour, and is having a blast with her super-indelible-never-comes-off-till-you're-dead markers. Being a typical kid, she decides to colour herself --- and finds out that "super-indelible-never-comes-off-till- you're-dead" really does mean "super-indelible-never-comes-off-till-you're-dead"!!! And then ..... Brigid decides to use the markers on her sleeping dad....
GOOD FAMILIES DON'T: This totally hilarious story will have you in stitches! It's a story about.... well.... about.... farts. Carmen notices there's a huge fart in her room and goes down to tell her mom and dad. That monstrous fart not only fells her mom and dad... but the police also. Till Carmen finds a way to get rid of the fart....
MOIRA'S BIRTHDAY: Moira's birthday is coming up and she wants to invite grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6 and kindergarten to her party. Mom and Dad say nope... only 6 kids. Moira decides that her idea sounds much more fun and does what she wants anyway. Mom and Dad don't know how to deal with it..... Moira has NO problem, and calmly solves everything...
ANGELA'S AIRPLANE: Angela, on a visit with her dad to the airport, finds herself alone in a plane. Unable to stop at pushing just ONE button..... Angela and the airplane take off!
A PROMISE IS A PROMISE: The story of Alayusha, a young Inuit girl... and the importance of keeping a promise.
And the list of great Munsch books goes on.... From Stephanie's Ponytail -- to I Have to Go-- to the Paperbag Princess -- to Murmel, Murmel, Murmel -- to Show and Tell - to Thomas's Snowsuit, and more. They are all wonderful.... and our family thinks every family should read these stories. Not just the kids will love them, but mom and dad will laugh their heads off too.
R.L. STINE'S GOOSEBUMPS: R.L. Stine is the author of lots of bestselling mysteries for teenagers, but the best thing about him is.... he's the author of... GOOSEBUMPS!!!!! There are about 50 books of the series Goosebumps. And now it's on T.V.! You have not read Goosebumps until you've read "One Day At Horrorland!" The Morris's are lost trying to find Zoo Gardens Amusement Park. They find another amusement park... HORRORLAND. The Doom Slide, the House of Mirrors and more.... Pretty fun, or is it? You have to read Goosegumps. I'm dead serious! (This paragraph is courtesy of Joel)
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