My favourite cartoons are Animaniacs, RugRats and Batman
But here's some regular old cartoon links that every kid should have:

The Cartoon Mecca of the Net

YTV: The Coolest Station in the Nation

Warner Bros. Online

Warner Bros. Animation


Warner Brothers Animaniacs Page

WWW Animaniacs Hall of Fame

Wilford B. Wolf's Place (also has the Beginners Page)

Take the Animaniacs Fan Purity Test

Animaniacs Lyrics

Kyleen's Rugrats Page (this page has LOTS of stuff!)

The Unofficial Rugrats Online

The Rugrat Zone

Rugrats Fan Club and lots of other stuff

* Batman: The Animated Series
This is the official Warner Bros page.

Batman: The Animated Series
This guy has all the episodes (and ok, I stole his bat bullets)

Batman: The Animated Series (1992)
(stuff on the cast and stuff on other Batman TV shows and movies



Here's logo and the poster for the new Batman & Robin movie
which is coming out June 20/97.

Visit the official site for the new movie..... (and be sure to get the movie trailer there)




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