Even though The Backstreet Boys are from the USA, Canada and Europe know them best. As a musical group, they're kind of like Boys II Men. Kevin and Brian are cousins from Kentucky. Nick, A.J. and Howie are all from Florida.

Now don't you go away, we're going to write a bit about our favourite Backstreet Boy.... the cute... the adorable.... the totally gorgeous... NICK CARTER!! *sigh*

(For more pics of this gorgeous guy, just click on him)

Nick's favourite colour is green - just like ours! His nickname is Nicky. We don't know ANYONE who doesn't like Nick. He was born on January 28, 1980 at Jamestown, New York. He has 3 sisters and 1 brother, all younger than him. He has blond hair and blue eyes. His favourite food is cheese pizza. Nick likes girls with long dark hair. He's the youngest member of the group.

You can write to the Boys at:

Nick, Kevin, Brian, Howie D or A.J.
Backstreet Boys
Post Office Box 618203
Orlando, FL 32861-8203


The Official International Backstreet Boys Web Site
Singapore Backstreet Boys Homepage
Nick Carter Homepage
Nikki and Brianne's Backstreet Boys HomePage
BackStreet Boys Homepage
looking for a PenPal who loves the BSBs too?


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