to Third Grade!!!!
are the third graders in Mrs. Raymond's room at Buchanan Elementary School.
We are very excited to have you visiting our cool new homepage. On
this site you will find stuff we've learned, tried, seen, and experienced
this year. For right now, we'd like to say thanks for stopping by, be sure
to check back as there will changes happening every day.
Please take some time to look at the links we have created, showing all of the stuff we've done this year. There are some really neat things, so take some time to look around!!
This page is being made possible by the nice people at GeoCities, our school, Buchanan, and our student teacher this semester, Miss Paley. Until our site is done, you can check out hers at:
thanks for stopping by...make sure to sign our guest book on your way out!!!
You are person
to visit our site...cool!!