Welcome to my Guestbook!

Auntie - 10/26/00 04:51:04
My Email:nat-n-honey@juno.com
Hi over there, just stopped by for a little dose of Hunter. We miss seeing him! Good luck with the modeling gigs! Love ya, nat

Chad Lloyd - 08/28/00 20:45:23
My Email:mtgman101@aol.com
Mommy's favorite HeadHunter

Alexa & Little D - 08/14/00 14:37:12
I love the pics of Hunter! My favorite is the prof. pic @ Walmart of him holding the football up to the side of his face ... priceless. He's adorable! Take care and God bless. HUGS! - Alexa & Little D (AUG99Playgroup)

Kim (jazzyjordy aug99 board) - 08/12/00 19:27:46
My URL:http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery.fcgi?uid=15625
My Email:jazzyjordy2@hotmail.om
Hunter is such a cutie!! Adorable pics! How'd you get him to hold the football next to him like that?! LOL My little man Noah was born on 8/16/99 too!! What a great day!! Keep up the good work mom!

Chris Tolentino - 07/06/00 21:39:45
My Email:Christ63@aol.com
Hunter is such a cutie. I really enjoyed seeing him and Bryce for a visit to California.

auntie - 05/06/00 16:35:14
My Email:nat-n-honey@juno.com
thanks for the putting up the new pictures, grandma and me just went through all of them. so,how come there's not a picture of the whole family-all three of you? we'll keep an eye out for that one. (who won the eye color bet?)

Tana (tbecca) & Kelsey - 05/04/00 02:44:42
My URL:http://www.kurfurst.com
My Email:tbecca@nwlink.com
Hollie, You should have posted that you had new pictures of Hunter up! He is adorable! I was just looking through all the websites and came upon yours! ((((hugs))))) Tana & Kelsey (8/30/99)

melissa burnam - 04/29/00 17:15:39
My Email:melburn31197@email.msn.com
Hunter is adorable! I'm so glad you did this.

Crystal (kyul) - 04/24/00 18:54:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/alexs_eyes
My Email:chun_gee@hotmail.com
A very nice page! and a VERY VERY cute little boy!

Jackie (jackielea) - 04/23/00 02:18:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/4228
My Email:l_j_holloway@hotmail.com
You have a great page!!!!!!!!!!

ann martin - 03/24/00 12:17:26
My Email:annran617
hunter is sooooooo precious and always smiling!He truly is the happiest baby!!! i especially like the picture where he is asleep in his swing--i can certainly relate to days like those hunter!!!! thanks for sharing your beautiful son with me! he is adorable. ann martin

annran617 - 03/24/00 12:12:02

Ohma - 02/18/00 10:53:41
My Email:margaret.hovan@gte.net
WOW!!! what a cute baby! looks like his Grandmother!!!!( on his mothers side!)

Theresa - 01/23/00 12:27:50
My Email:kismi@iinet.net.au
Hi Hollie & Hunter I was your August 98 Adoptee mum. Zachary crashed our computer and we had to put everything back on again but I lost your email etc. I thought I'd go to your board and saw the link for you here. Anyway - Great website! Hunter is gorgeous and I hope mo herhood is enjoyable for you. Take care, Theresa & Zachary (now 18mths!!):-)

Theresa - 01/23/00 12:24:10

ohma was here - 01/21/00 17:31:45
My Email:margaret.hovan@gte.net
this is the cutest baby in the world at this time!!!! mothre of baby was just tooo darn cute so guess he couldn't miss !!!

POP - 12/30/99 15:47:27
My Email:reecebet@yahoo.com
Hansome guy.

E Reece Bethany - 12/18/99 15:44:46
My Email:reecebet@yahoo.com
A very HANSOME Great Grandson you are. Hope you stay that way all your life. God loves you. : POP

kthurber Aug99 playgroup - 12/17/99 13:12:32
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/kthurber/index.html
My Email:kthurber@ivillage.com
Hollie ~ Hunter is the MOST handsome, I think that arranged marriage sounds good! ;)

judy - 12/17/99 03:12:15
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~judy9725/index.html
My Email:judygriscom@hotmail.com
Hunter, you are a DOLL!!! I love your proofs! Thanks to your mommy for sharing them with our playgroup!

Rhonda Jenkins - 12/17/99 02:12:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/babytigger
My Email:rjenkins@penn.com
Hollie! He's so cute! Pretty site too!

Meredith (peridotbabies) PP Aug 99 playgroup - 12/17/99 00:14:29
OH Hollie - he's a doll! Well worth the wait! Hopefully you have saved him from being grounded for being so cute! HUGS! Meredith, Callum and Alexandra

E Reece Bethany - 12/13/99 19:35:44
My Email:reecebet@yahoo.com
bet he is a hand full. Beautifull little boy!!!POP

Michelle Beaulne (Tuco1) - 12/13/99 16:30:12
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/tr/tuco1/index.html
My Email:mbeaulne@sl.lakeheadu.ca
Hollie... I was in checking out your site last night. The pic's of Hunter at Halloween are too cute! Great Site. From Northern Canada - Michelle & Shaelyn

Deborah (deborah33/aug"99"playgroup) - 12/13/99 14:55:36
My URL:http://www.easyfoto.com/deborah34
My Email:Debbarrett34@yahoo.com
I think this is one of the best webpages I have seen, all of it is so cute from the pictures to the designs you picked out for the page. Great Job. Stop by and see my kids at http://easyfoto.com/deborah34

Heather - 12/13/99 13:50:59
Hollie...he is getting soooo big! There doesnt appear to be much infant left in the little guy! *sniff* I guess it has to happen, huh?

Judy Griscom - 12/13/99 13:18:39
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~judy9725/index.html
My Email:judygriscom@hotmail.com
I love the reindeer horns picture! What a cutie! You are very blessed!

Shay and Haley - 12/13/99 01:29:02
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/shay9/index.html
My Email:shayb@tampabay.rr.com
Hi - Aug. 99 buddies here! Love the beanies - Haley and Hunter can be beanie pals! Shay

Shevi - 11/25/99 16:48:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nj2/avic
My Email:acheifetz@aol.com
Hollie, I'm from the Aug. 99 playgroup board, Hunter is adorable!!!! He and Avi were born on the same day - 8/16. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Kathie - 11/25/99 13:08:22
My Email:jkbba17@snet.net
What a great web site. He is absolutely adorable Hollie~! Love the attack of the pacifier that made me laugh! Great halloween costume and xmas outfit with the santa hat. You did a terrific job! What a big boy how big is he now?

Dr. Evil - 11/21/99 01:05:27
My URL:http://www.mikebethany.com
My Email:mikebethany@hotmail.com
What an ugly baby... looks just like me. I can fix little Hunter up for.... One million dollars!

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/20/99 20:43:50
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Mommy - 07/10/99 13:19:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/5011
My Email:h_quidor@hotmail.com
I am excited about your arrival hope I will be a good Mom.

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