CH4 CH4 Games

Here at CH4 Productions you will find a variaty of games that have been created for your entertainment.

Arcade Games

Antivirus: A Missile Attack clone.

Asteroid Run: Avoid runing into asteroids.

Shooter: A game where you shoot various object to get points.

Click n' Kill Games

TaBoom!: Click n' Kill loads of aliens.

Sports Games

Ski Slope Pro: Ski through three different game plays.

Blobie Dodge Ball: A dodge ball game with quite impressive AI.

Thinking Games

MegaMind: A MasterMind clone.

Memory: A Simon clone.


Land Example: For all of you who want to make a game like Scorched Earth with destroyable land.

CH4 Productions/Software © 2003 LegoBoy© 2003 LegoBoy
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