Who's the best speaker in the Bible?
Samson, because he brought the house down!
Why was Moses the most wicked man in the Bible?
Because he broke all ten commandments at once!
During what season did Adam eat the forbidden fruit?
It was early in the "fall"!
How do we know that Abraham was really smart?
Because he knew a "Lot"!
How did Jonah feel after the whale swallowed him?
He felt down in the mouth!
What sort of lighting did Noah put on the Ark?
Flood lights!
What does a 500 pound canary say?
"Here, kitty, kitty...!"
What is green and slimy, lives in swamps and ponds, and is very dangerous?
A frog with a hand grenade!
Why did the dog cross the road?
To get to the barking lot!
Why did the baby chick cross the road?
Because he was following the chicken!
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Boo who?
Don't cry, it's only a joke!
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Little old lady.
Little old lady who?
I didn't know you could yodel!
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Dewey who?
Dewey have to keep telling these knock-knock jokes?
How do you know when it's raining cats and dogs?
When you step in a poodle!
How can you tell the ocean is friendly?
Because it waves!
What are the two things you can never eat for breakfast?
Lunch and dinner!
What do you call a rabbit that is owned by a beetle?
A bug's bunny!
What kind of beans will never grow in a garden?
Jelly beans!
What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?
Time to buy a new fence!
Why does an elephant sit on a marshmallow?
To keep from falling into the cocoa!
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