My name is Ronald Justin Sweeney—call me Ron. I was born in Hampton, Virginia, on February 12, 1982 at 1702 EST. I have two brothers (currently residing in Michigan and Nebraska), a dog and a cat. I am currently studying at the Florida State University, where I fully expect to receive my Bachelor's degree in Psychology and German after my third year (which would be the Spring of 2003). At one time, I played the trombone (although now it seems to have taken up residence in my closet). Other hobbies of mine include spending exorbitant amounts of time playing strategy games (e.g. the Civilization series, Warcraft/Starcraft, Age of Empires, and the like), going to the beach, riding bikes, walking on my hands, watching poorly scripted martial arts films, and sleeping. A lot. I haven't worked on this page in quite some time, so please excuse any inaccurate information or missing links/pictures. My favorite color is blue, which I feel can be used to described my personality: at times it is seen as cool and calm, whereas others it can simply be depressing. I am somewhat of a hermit and don't go out much, except for class and food. If you were wondering where a name like "Tboneblue" might've come from, now you know.