Jeff's Cool Game Page

Cheat Codes for new Games


Press ~ to activate Cheats
God = God mode (can not be killed)
impulse 9 = everything (gives you all the guns and Key Cards)
noclip=walk through walls

Blood Demo

To use these codes, press T while playing and type them in:
MPKFA = Invincibility
NOCAPINMYASS = Disable invincibility if used CAPINMYASS to activate it
VOORHEES = Short invincibility
SPORK = 200 health
LARA CROFT = Full weapons and unlimited ammo
IDAHO = Full weapons and ammo
BUNZ = Full weapons, ammo, and dual weapons
TEQUILA = Dual weapons
MONTANA = All inventory items
GRISWOLD = Full armor
KEYMASTER = All keys
GOONIES = Show entire map
SPIELBERG = Level warp
EVA GALLI = No clipping toggle
FUNKY SHOES = Superjump
JOJO = Surreal mode
STERNO = Fades in from a black screen
RATE = Display framerate
FORK BROUSSARD= 1 health, no ammo or weapons, and surreal mode
EDMARK = Hurt yourself
KEVORKIAN = Kill yourself
MCGEE = Self immolation

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