Yes, you have reached it!!! The pinnacle of all pages ever put
on the face of the internet, Seth's Totally Kick Tush Page.
If you haven't been here before you obviously don't have any cool friends,
because if they were really cool they would have found this page and told
you about it already. So, if your the first of your friends to expirience
the phenomenon known as Seth's Totally Kick Tush Page you
obviously must be the hippest, most cool, funky fresh, and all those
other words to describe 'THE BEST' of all your friends.
I know you have no idea or clue what this page is about, the
only thing you know is that this page is TOTALLY KICK TUSH!!!
I myself have also been pondering the purpose of this web-page, and believe
that I've come to a conclusion that my page is about...STUFF.
WELL, NOW THAT YOU'RE HERE... and since my page is about
STUFF, I welcome you to explore all the STUFF that I've
put on this page. If you feel I'm missing some STUFF you could E-mail
me, but you're ideas would just be mere suggestions that I will
most likely ignore (considering I am quite lazy and would rather not take
time to make improvements). If you still feel the need to E-mail me you
can send your choice words to...
As I explained before this page does have STUFF on it (while
some of the STUFF relates to some of the other STUFF
on this page, most of the STUFF has nothing in common).