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Faerie LeftFaerie RightMaeve Silvermoon's Secret Sídhe Realm

"When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies."
Sir James M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Maeve Silvermoon, the Lady of the Sídhe bids you a warm welcome to the Secret Realm of the Sídhe. May you rest a while and find the faeries. But it is not easy, because you have to believe in them. If you believe, you are most welcome to enter and learn about the faeries and their magick.


FireworkStarWe Are Featured!StarFirework

    The Secret Sídhe Realm is now a Featured Site! Thank you so much GeoCities and LuckyStar my CL!

    The banner was created by my wonderful web daughter ~Angel~
    Thank you so much! It is so delightful!


    Do you believe in fairies?....If you believe, clap your hands!"
    Sir James M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Enter My Realm

If you came by a webring


    Something very wonderful has happened so I simply have to sneak this in! My Secret Sídhe Realm has been bestowed with with great honor! And the Fae take great delight in showing you all that they received the...

Royal Nod Award

"Hiya Maeve!

    I would like to present you with The Royal Nod Award. For working hard and doing your best, being creative, and always striving to do better :) Keep up the great work! LuckyStar"

    This is what the Fae found in the mailbox! There was giggling and joyous laughter throughout my realm! The Fae decided it was about time to have a feast in honor of Lucky Star and the great honor she has given to us! Many heartfelt thanks and brightest blessings to you, Lucky Star!


Pagan Site of the Week

    "Merry Meet! Since I have been changing my site. I have added some new features. One of which is a featured site of the week. You are my first winner. Here is a graphic if you wish to MP & BB MagickUsr"

    Oh, this is truly delightful! What a wonderful surprise! I feel so honored! (Faerie giggle...'She is speechless'). Thank you so much and the brightest of blessings to you!


Teddy Award


    Your Site has been listed on the People's Choice WebSite 500 and awarded CyberTeddy's Top 500 WebSite award."

    Thank you so much for that great honor!!!


AOTS Featured Site

    Thank you so much dear sisters for that wonderful honor. It means such a lot to me so please take my most heartfelt and eternal gratitude!


My Spirit Guide

    Phex, my Spirit Guide, watches over this page. If you like to have your own click on him and visit the wonderful page of "Dream Messenger", a very loving site!


. Believers have entered since Samhain 1997



Daremore Quotes


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Silver Broomstick Webring

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Sabine's Link

    Background courtesy -- Thank you so much, Sabine!

    Please check her pages - they make you feel welcome and you will miss something if you don't visit!

    Counter is courtesy by Boing Dragon's Lair

    The Banner was provided by Rowan

    I thank you very kindly!


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