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Attention! After the new Geocities 'zine comes out, and i get a new idea for this page, It will be a new concept and page.
Don't worry about all the phony promises I gave you before, this one is for real!
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Background info
Sports Faves
Movie Stuff
Sim City 2000/Windows 3.1 cheats!
Music Corner
Another award!
What's New
I just got a new guestbook! It is better than the one I had before.
I thank and appreciate the people who signed the old guestbook. Thanks!
If you want to sign or view my old one Here it is
So remember Sign the guestbook!
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to visit this page!
Thanx for visiting my page! My name is Elias. Please sign my guestbook.
Music Corner!
Now playing is "Wannabe" by The Spice Girls
Music Choices!
New voting date! New deadline April 25th.
And The Winner Is......
I know it's a little early but...
"Wannabe" by The Spice Girls
Go toLindsey's Land of Links for some great images!
Background info
Here's my family: My dad who's name is Gerald is an owner of a food business.
It is called Bakers Dozen Pierogies. He makes the best pierogies in the land.
My mom works at local college called King's college. There are five children
in the family. I am the oldest. My 11 year old brother who's name is Alexander
loves sports. He plays baseball,basketball, and soccer. His favorite is
baseball.His favorite team is the Atlanta Braves
My cousin Matt lives with us. He loves baseball. He also loves football.
His favorite team is the Buffalo Bills. My brother Micah who is 7 Likes baseball.
My sister Geralyn who is 5 goes to Kindergarten.
Sports faves
As you already know my name is Elias. I love sports. Sports are my thing.
My favorite sport is football. The NFLis the best.
My favorite team is theDallas Cowboys.
Baseball is one of my favorite sports too.
TheNBA web site is one of the best.
My Newspaper!
I have my own newspaper on the 'net! It has Comics,news,sports,and more!
Here it is!
Penn State Football Year Summary
Penn State was a strong contender this year. Led by a strong offense and a nasty defense
Penn State was crowned as #7 this year in the final NCAA football rankings. The
key players were Wally Richardson at quarterback. The real offensive key was Curtis Enis though.
He rushed for over 1,200 yards. The defense was led by Kim Herring. Overall,
Penn State was a great team this year.
Dallas Cowboys
The Cowboys were the courage team of the year. Hampered by injuries and problems all year, the Cowboys held
in there. Led by Troy Aikman and Emmitt smith, the Cowboys has a record
of 10-6.

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Movie stuff
I like movies. My faves areIndependence Day,
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
andMars Attacks. Independence Day had great special effects.
In Mars Attacks, the aliens were very funny. And Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
is just plain hilarious!
Awesome images Link!
Go to the The Animation Zone
For Awesome graphinc and images!
Big thanks toGeocitiesfor helping me make
this page!
SimCity2000 Cheats
For windows 3.1 only
Note: Click on top of toolbar before typing these cheats
cheat |
description |
buddamus |
get $500,000 every time you type this cheat |
mrsoleary |
start a fire |
oivaizmir |
Debug menu |
Links to other sites on the Web
The Simpsons Archive
Major League Baseball
Ultimate Band List
The Vizsla Home Page
The SimCity 200 Resource Page
The SimGateway
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