Welcome to our guestbook!! We invite any and all suggestions.

Melissa - 07/19/00 20:19:10
My URL:http://www.troop_412.homestead.com/hometroop412.html
My Email:msmelissar@aol.com
Level: Cad/Sr
State: NJ

Hi I am a leader for a Cadette and Senior Troop. I just wanted to let you know that you did a great job on your page, and keep up the good work.

Catherine - 05/31/00 05:25:53
My Email:laynie@mailcity.com
Level: Ranger
Age: 17
State: New Zealand

Sorry about that earlier post, I hit send by accident. You guys have such cool trips! My ranger unit doesn't go on trips (but I'm applying to an overseas trip). I have finished the NZ equivalent to the Gold Award (Queens Guide) and should be getting it p esented next month. good luck for your Gold Awards!

Catherine - 05/31/00 05:22:33


- 01/24/00 17:48:04


Dan Walker - 10/22/99 20:29:43
My Email:SniperDan@aol.com
State: IN
Interest: Recycling

We are looking for Girl Scout organizations to help us with a recycling fundraiser that can help your troops earn money without interrupting your current fundraisers or any cash investment on your part. Our company Semper Fi Cartridge Recycling remanufact res empty ink cartridges for K-12 schools. We are always looking for groups who would like to start empty cartridge collection programs for us in which we will pay you for the empty cartridges that you collect. We pay $1.00 for each empty ink cartridge th t you collect as well as any postage costs. The way it works is, you collect the empty cartridges, email us with the amount that you have and we will pay you in advance in the form of a U. S. Postal Money Order. We use Money Orders so you do not have to w rry about recieving a valid payment or a bounced check. Collecting empty printer cartridges is a great way to help schools save money, help the environment, raise money for your troop, and teach your young ladies about recycling . You aren't asking anyone to buy anything, just simply to save what they are currently throwing away in the garbage. We have a detailed info packet if you would like more information about our program. All you need to do is email us with a contact name and an address where we can ail it too. I hope to hear from you soon and add your Troop or Council to our growing list of Girl Scout Participants. Sincerely Yours Dan R Walker

Andy Cartwright - 10/04/99 10:41:53
My Email:andywitham@x-stream.co.uk
Age: 16
State: England
Interest: anything.....
Travel: huh?
PenPals: hmm.....

So much stuff to fill in that I've forgotten now!

Donate Free Food - 08/25/99 20:57:50
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/20/99 20:34:19
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 00:42:19
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 01:43:09
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring

Gail - 07/03/99 06:16:00
My Email:gailtown@intercomm.com
Level: Senior Leader
State: Nevada

I was born in Port Chester, grew up in Greenwich Connecticut. I enjoyed reading about all your adventures. Good luck with your Gold Award projects.

Debbie Reed - 07/17/98 04:35:45
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Jdebreed
My Email:Jdebreed@aol.com
Level: Brownies
Age: 6 year old girls (6 of them)
State: Minnesota

Cool website! Debbie

Debbie Reed - 07/17/98 04:35:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Jdebreed
My Email:Jdebreed@aol.com
Level: Brownies
Age: 6 year old girls (6 of them)
State: Minnesota

Cool website! Debbie

Cindy - 05/04/98 16:05:23
My Email:cindy4tom@aol.com
Level: Cadette
Age: adult
State: Washington

Hi there! Your troop sounds great! Thr trips you've taken are wonderful! We're planning a trip to New York City next April. I'd love to hear about some of your most successful fund raisers!! Does you council have any patch programs about NYC? My troo loves earning patches and IPPs from other councils.

Zandrya - 10/18/97 01:31:58
My Email:wetmore@capecod.net
Age: 41
State: MA

Hi.. just dropped in.. know motion from irc and saw this link... Great page!! Great girl scout troop... Wish i were young enough to join...

Mary Horvath - 09/22/97 13:33:18
My Email:horvatmr@acq.osd.mil
Level: Senior Advisor
State: VA

Please get in touch with me. I have a Senior troop and we've also done some traveling to include Disney World (we stayed on grounds). Don't forget to get their scout passes if you didn't the last time. They include scout programs. We did the Boy Scout program on cinematography. The girls actually got the film on the back lot of MGM. It was cool! I'd like to ask about fund raising. What kinds of ideas you have. Also some ideas on program. Please get in touch. Thanks - Mary

Jan Johnson - 09/12/97 04:13:23
Level: cadettes
Age: 15
State: NY
Interest: Animals
Travel: California
PenPals: Yes


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