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To Chrissy-Baby's Homepage!!!!


This is playing the song "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" by Backstreet Boys. Just in case you didn't know =). They rock!:)
You can listen to another one of their songs called "As Long As You Love me". But you must have RealAudio. You can also watch their Video Clip:)

My Profile, and some info about me! me! me! :)

Wanna know what your personality is like? Well.. check this out! (numerology)

Your monthly horoscopes (for gals mostly) ^_^

Hey gals... check out what your honey's personality is like...

Have you ever had this strange and freaky dream but didn't know what it was about? This might solve your prob. :)

Your stars for 98

Do you know what love is... what is love?

Hey gals... are you one of those girls who are just crazy about the babelicious Leonardo D.? Well.. here's an A-Z about him! :)

Are you cool? Or you you just a dumb fool?

Are you having an exam and are in stress? Here are some ideas to help ya out!

Are you looking for your fav. stars' address? Well... it could be in here!

Da Links! Da Links!

Check it out: A special poem.. "The Seasons of Love" :)

And last but definately not least... I'd like to say a special thanx to....

This is my pet fish! :) ! Play around with him by....
moving your mouse near the fish and it will follow you... Also.. click on da fish to see what happens!!
Don't kill him, or I will have to put a spell on you,
and turn you into a funny faced baboon!! :P

Well... This is the end of my homepage.... I hope you liked it.... The Horoscopes are changed monthly, and some of the stuff are changed when I have time to change it... so keep coming back to my page! :) and sign my guestbook too!

Sign my Guestbook if ya like!
View my Guestbook if ya like! :)

SafeSurf Rated All Ages

This page has been created byChrissy in da house!

Email me at
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