GS Troop 1098

Our favorite activities this year (96-97)

A Meeting


Camping photoIn October we went camping at Camp Redwing. We had a lot of fun!!! We slept in platform tents.

Camping at Camp Henry Kaufman was a fun activity except for when we could not go swimming. The pool was closed when the filter broke and it rained and rained.


Last spring we learned about horses at a horse ranch in North Park. My troop learned how to groom and care for a horse. This year we will earn the Horse Lover badge and get to ride more. This is our leader, Mrs. M.

Friends and Scouting

Every year we have a Bring A Friend Day. We each get to bring a friend to a meeting and do crafts and play games. This year we will celebrate the 85th year of Girl Scouting with a big cake on Bring A Friend Day.

Drawing of Julliet Lowe BazaarJulliete Low Bazaar is one of my favorites.There were lots of games where you could win prizes, it was fun.


Drawing of Top of the TriangleWe went to the top of the tallest building in Pittsburgh, the Top of the Triangle for our Etiquette Patch. On our way up in the elevator our ears popped because it was so high! We had a full course lunch. It was delicious! On the elevator on the way back down we were weightless for a second!


We went to the Humane Society and donated towels to them. We watched a movie and petted a couple of the cats and dogs.


We played games at the library for our Toymaker Badge. We also went to Toys R Us.

Last updated March 27, 1997

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