Caer Sidhe

          Welcome all to the Shire of CAER SIDHE of the Emerald Hills Kingdom.  We play on Saturday's at Como Park in St.Paul, MN. People usually show up between 2:30 to 3:30, then we play till dusk.

            Directions: Heading North on Lexington Ave., you will pass under a railroad bridge, follow this to Como Ave., where the light is. Take a left and head up the road. Once you see the dirt parking lot off to the left, you're there. You can either park in the parking lot or on the road. Directly across from the parking lot is a small vehicle trail, which leads to a very large stone chimney, in a ring of stone. That big circle is Nirvana and we play all around that area.

 Go here to see a Map.

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This page was created by Alonna

And Grom.