Bryan White Concert Stories Page
Vandallia, Missouri
While durning the concert at the Vandallia area fair my friends and i yelled (while it was really quiet) We'll take you fishin. Well the reason that we yelled this was because Bryan had made a comment about how great the fishin was here in Missouri.
Here was the first time that I got to meet Bryan. Bryan opened up for Confederate Railroad. Durning their show I waited around for Bryan. he came out and signed autographs for a while. At this concert I neglected to tell him my name.
Mendon, Illinois
Here is the story of the meet and greet at the Mendon, Illinois show. This was the first time I had gotten to go backstage and meet Bryan. I had just found out a couple of days before this show that I would be attending. I hadn't recieved my stuff from the fan club yet. I decided to e-mail Sharon (the head of the fan club) to see if she could possibly allow me backstage. Well she sent me a letter and it said that she thought that it was too close to the show to do anything. Then on the day of the concert I recieved another e-mail from Sharon that had a letter to Brinson, Bryan's road manager and fellow band member. I showed the e-mail to Brinson when it came time for the meet and greet and he said Sure come on back.
Once backstage I was a little nervous at firt but then Bryan and Brinson started sword figtin with a couple of posters that a girl had brought for then to sign. It was funny. Once it was my turn to talk to Bryan I handed him the shirt I had brought for him to sign. While he was signing my shirt, I asked him if he remember someone from the concert in Vandallia, Missouri yelling that they'll take you fishin. He stopped what he was doing and looked up and said yeah. Then I said Well I am that person. He then said really. I said yes. Then I got my picture taken with him and my time was up. As I walked out I asked Brinson if he would sign my shirt too. He said yes.
Taylorville, Illinois
Here is the story of the meet and greet for this concert. Amy (a friend I had meet over the internet) and I went to the concert together. We had raised money for Bryan's charity the Federal Employees Education Assistance fund. We were presenting it to Bryan along with a birthday card from his internet fans. Amy went up to Bryan first with the feea donation and then i went up there with the birthday card. He really liked the card and said that he would make sure he read all of it once they got on the bus. He gave both Amy and I a big hug for that. He even called Brinson to come over and look at the plaque and card we had given him. After the picture with Bryan I went over to Brinso and asked him if I could have my picture taken with him. Brinson said sure and Bryan goes here give me the camera. Bryan took Our picture.
Fan Club Party
The guys in Bryan's band are the sweetest guys I have ever meet. Brinson remembered me from when I had seen them in Taylorville and Mendon. Derek talked to us for a while about the internet and our homepages. Tom used my back to sign the Bryan White shirt that I has all the guys sign. Monty gave away a few drum sticks, but I didn't get one. Lee was really funny. Randel was really nice to all of us.
Fan Fair
After the concert at fan fair, Rafeef and I were standing and talking. Tom was standing on the stage. Rafeef and I decided to yell. We yelled HI TOM. He turns around. We waved at him. He turns around and waves back at us.
Washington, Missouri
I woke up at 5:30am so that way I could get ready and get to the fair at 7 am. The gates to the seats opened at 8am. I get to the fair and there wasn't that many people there. They ended up lettin us go to the seats at about 7:45 or so. I then met Sara Crum there at about 8 or so. While Sara and I were sittin there waiting for the concert we heard some say Thi and Kiwi. Well right away we knew that they were from the net. We ended up meeting a couple of girls Nicole and Jenny from Thi's message board. They were really nice. Well at abour 2 or so we see Bryan's bus pull in. Sara goes over there and looks and he comes out a couple of times and then says I am gona go play some golf. Well at about 4 or so we see the van that Bryan took to play golf come back. Then the sound check started. It was really cool because we got to hear part of Bryan's new album. It is gona be great. Well then the guys started to come out. Monty came out first. We yelled at him and he waved back. Then Derek came out and he waved at us too. Next was Tom who also waved. Then Randle and Lee came out and waved
too. Brinson came out last and waved to us too. Then they started playing around on their instruments. Well we see the merchandise table start to set up so we go over there. I talked to Bob for a while. While Sara's friend Kristen held our place in line I went back to the seats to talk to Sara and as I start to go back to the merchandise table I hear a sweet voice start singing and it was Derek. Well I go back to the merchandise table after he sang and got the tour book. It is a must have. OK now for the meet and greet. Well I had designed
and made a cross stitch for Bryan. I gave it to him at this meet and greet. We all go backstage after the concert and I take a pic with Brinson and he remembered me from the fan club party. Then I went up to meet Bryan I told him "Bryan this is a cross stitched that I designed and made for you." He goes wow that is really neat I really appreciate that. He was reading it and at the bottom it said the names of his #1's that he has had and after he read that he said thank you for making them number one and then gave me a hug. Then Brinson took our pic. Then I about took off with the cross stitch (by accident) and he goes wait that is for me remember. I couldn't
believe that I did that.
Springfield, Illinois
I stood in line from about 12:30 on. I got to hear sound check which was cool because I got to hear two songs from the new album. Love is the Right Place and bad day to let you go. Then they let us in there and I got left front row center ahhhhhhh. (I still can't believe I was that close.) Well Derek and the guys were standing backstage so we could see them before the concert. Well then it was time to make my way to the tunnel. That thing was cool. When I got back there Brinson recognized me from the show on sunday. I gave Bryan a concert review from when I seen him on sunday and then I showed him the pic my mom took of him at fan fair and he goes neat. Then Lisa(i think this is correct) took a couple of pics of us talking and then one of us together. After that I told Bryan that my dad would take him fishing and he goes tell your dad thanks for the offer. Then I started to leave and he goes thanks for the review. Then I went over to Brinson and gave him a big hug and got a pic with him. Then I made my way back out to the track to see vince. Well I didn't really watch vince because I was to busy looking at the guys going back and forth to the bus.
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