The very first Bryan White concert that I went to was at the hearnes center in Columbia Missouri. It is what really turned me to country music. I was so impressed by Bryan that I just fell in love with him right then and there.
The second Bryan White concert that I attended was
in Vandalia Missouri. It was at the fair grounds and track seating was first come first serve. A
couple of friends went with me to this concert. We had somebody standing in line from about
2:30pm on even though we couldn't get into the fairgrounds until 5:30. When we got there and the
open the gates we ran to the gate to get on to the track. We got seats in the first row on the right
side of the stage. This concert was longer than the first concert I attended. The concert was
awesome. Durning the second show I waited at the fence for Bryan to come out and sign
autographes. He came out and I was able to talk to him for a little bit.
The third concert that I attended was in Mendon, Illinois. I drove three hours to attend
this concert and it was well worth it. It was longer than the first two concerts that I attended
because he was the headliner at the concert. Our seats for the concert were about 10 rows back
from the stage. There was a runway attached to the stage. We were allowed to get up out of our
seats and go over to the runway and up to the stage to take pictures. Bryan came out on to the
stage many times. That was so cool for him to go out on to the stage. Well the concert was great
and after the concert I went back to the meet and greet and met Bryan for the first time. I was so
excited. He is so sweet and there is a story that goes along with the meet and greet which is on my
concert stories page.
The fourth concert that I went to was in Taylorville, Illinois. It was at Nashville North. I drove three and half hours to see the concert also. The guys were great here also. I had eleventh row from the tage for this concert. My mom was the first caller for tickets. To hear about the meet and greet go to my concert stories page.
The fifth concert that I attended was at his fan club party at Recreation World in Tennessee. Bryan did a 2 hour concert for the fan club members. The really cool thing about the fan club party was Bryan sang song like Rockin' Robin, My Girl, Southern Nights, Let's do something even if it's wrong. I can't make you love me, Between Now and Forever, and Me and the Moon which he typically either doesn't have released on an album or only sings in concert. After he sang for a while he then went into the audience and did a question and answer session. Us internet fans that were there got a question answered. Our question was, what do you think of your internet support? His reply to this was that he supports us as much as we do him. After the question and answer session he did a little more singing. After that it was a meet and greet the rest of the night. I will tell about the meet and greet with all the guys on my concert stories page.
The sixth concert that I attended was at fan fair. This was a really good show. Bryan and the guys did a couple of songs that are going to be on his new album. He was the last of the performers for the morning. He did Someone Else's Star, Rebecca Lynn, Sittin on Go, So Much For Pretending, and a couple others. This concert was really neat because I got to meet a friend of mine from the net named Rafeef. I will tell about what happened to Rafeef and I at the end of the concert in my concert stories page.
Ok here is my concert review from the seventh concert that I went to. I wrote down most of the songs that the sang and also what each one was wearing.
Here is what they were wearing...
Derek - silver shirt with a black shirt underneath and blue jeans
Tom - blue shirt with white shirt underneath and jeans
Monty - Blue shirt and jeans
Randle - blue shirt and jeans
Lee - purple shirt and jeans
Scott - blue and white striped shirt with jeans
Brinson - black shirt with jeans
Bryan - blue shirt with jeans ( seems like he had a haircut since the
Ok now for the songs that he sang. Ok here is part of the order that I could get SMFP, LAMN, RL, TAS, Let's do something even if it's wrong, INSTYLA. From here on I lost track but these are the ones I can remember..Southern Nights(I love this little 1 2 3 down thing that they do.)Love Is the RIght Place, My girl, I can't make you love me, gettin around to it, another one from the new album but I can't remember the name, and Someone Else's star. For the encore he did these songs stand by me and then Derek had a song all to himself but I don't know the name of it. The cocert was great and he was so full of energy. There were these two girls signing the words to the songs and when Bryan started doin southern nights he asked them how they signed the he he he he part. It was cool. Well the concert ended with fireworks from the fair.
Here is my review of the Illinois State fair which was my eighth show. Like always they started the show with So much for Pretending. SInce I was in the front row I thought that I wouldn't have people heads in my way but some camera guy kept going over there in front of Me so Bryan would then go on the other side of the camera so I could get pics. Then it was lamn, rl, instlya, sog. Then he asked if he could do some ones from the new album and we all said sure and he did litrp and bad day to let you go ( which I love). Then it was time for southern nights. He kept waiting before he counted it down. I yelled Bryan do it then he looked up and smiled and then did it. I laughed so hard. Then he said something about Vince's dad dying. He came over there right at the speaker I was at and sang Ses to me. I got some good pics of that. Then it was time for Vince's show. I saw Bryan and Vince goes "Let's bring back the kid." Then Bryan came put and sang Lizza Jane with Vince which was awesome.
This is what the local paper in Moline, IL
to say about the Bryan/Leann concert on Sunday.
Country Pop ahoy! It was high tide for that genre at The Mark Of The Quad
Cities Sunday night as the Bryan White/LeAnn Rimes tour- sponsored by Red
Lobster! - washed up in Moline. For a little over three hours, a school of
almost 10,000 fans was served up a variety of musical dishes from the
superstars which varied in quality from the suculent to satisfying to
blandly unfulfilling. Neither singer is in need of introduction to country
music fans (and most mainstream pop fans, for that matter). Both are
significant heartthrobs and chart-toppers, and the 16-year-old Rimes is a
bonafide pop-culture phenomenon.
But while the "Blue" belle may ride a bigger wave of hype for her
trenendous vocal chops, it was her 23-year-old opening act who made a whale
of an impression at The Mark. For while in the category of sheer vocal
power Rimes had White sunk in every way, in terms of showmanship and
synergy with his material, White was the titanic one of the twosome. White
opened the show with a fun, upbeat 45 minutes that engaged the audience and
squeezed squeals from scores of teenage girls quicker than a poke to the
ribs. A pleasant performer, White exuded such unrepentan glee it as hard
not to like him.
That attitude fit his soft, foamy set well. Numbers like "The Way She
Loves Me" and "Look At Me Now" were incadescent and sweet; and a free-foam
jam to end his set that incorporated a singalong on "Shout" and snippets
from "The Theme from the Jeffersons' " were perfectly precious.
White's material may not be the hardest-hitting stuff in the world, but
it's got a light charm that fits the star - an amiablility that he parlays
into a genuine charisma.
The same can't be said for Rimes, a steller talent who ends up being
betrayed by her incongruously mature material and a limited emotional
spectrum reglected in her reading of those compositions.
There's no doubt Rimes had the chops. And when she's given the right song
- such as her signature hit, "blue" - she can really let loose. But too
often her renditions seem more like exercises in technique rather than
explosions from her soul.
For example, her reading of "Unchained Melody" is letter-perfect, but it
lacks the intangible quality of the original that makes your stomach
flutter. In a similar vein, her version of Prince's "Purple Rain" is a
terrible mistake. It's an intensely personal song with cryptic (and really
rather silly) lyrics that are made transcendent in the original only by
Prince's raw sincerity. Coming from Rimes, the tune is soulless.
Much of her other material was rather bland - tepid midtempo numbers and
ballads that provided a generic stage for her to perform vocal gymnastics.
However, the night wsan't a total wash for Rimes - because of White. Her
duets with him sizzled with the kind of emotion that was so obviously
missing from the rest of her set.
Durning "Something to Talk About" the chemistry between the pair was
palpable, and the coltish, flirty lift in Rimes' voice was irresistible.
And their finale of "From This Moment" exploded with sexual tension and
emotion. Rimes seemed set free, soaring amazingly through the lovely
It was these moments that showed the incredible promise that LeAnn Rimes
holds as a vocalist - and also these moments that displayed her limitations
at this time.
Someday, a few broken hearts and a few fantastic romances down the road,
she's going to be something special. Unfortunately for those at The Mark on
sunday, someday is not know.
The Dispatch Moline, IL May18,98
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