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**** ValCap's Cool Linx 4 kidz ****

Updated: Sunday, February 28th 1999

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ValCap's lair
Go back to the main page. About myself, my works as a writer and a programmer, my experiences as a volunteer in refugee camps and home for street children and much more...

Young scientists and explorers
Read the most prestigious scientific magazines: Nature and Scientific American.
Are you a chemist? Then are you probably looking for an interactive Mendeleiev's periodic table of elements.
Can you trust your eyes? Try with the IllusionWorks Home Page one of my favorites, full of optical illusions...
What's that gunk on your car? Find it out here (and here is the quiz about it).
Explore the world together with the National Geographic Society.
Need the map? Take a Xerox Map, or an Excite Map. If it's a city map what are you looking for, you can find it here.
Go to the South Pole thorugh the Gateway to Antarctica... though not expressly for kids, this is a real "cool" place!

3, 2, 1 and go to the space!
Explore the space together with NASA in their StarChild page or control the Bradford Robotic Telescope from your computer!
Know everything you need to know about the nine planets and all our Solar System. Learn the History of Space Exploration.
Explore Mars together with the sojourner, following the Mars Pathfinder Mission.
If you are not able to see the stars from your city, join the Campaign for Dark Skies. Search for extraterrestrial intelligence together with the SETI Institute.
Where is the Mir Space Station? NASA knows...
Find out how old would you be on another planet, and how much would you weigh on another planet.
View some pictures from outer space with the Hubble telescope, or in one of the following picture archives: Astronomy Picture of the Day, Astronomical Images Archive, Astronomical pictures & animations, CCD images of Galaxies.
If you are looking the sky for UFOs, see the UneXplained side of the Net.

The uneXplained side of the Net
Explore the X side of the Net: know the Mysterious & Unexplained, meet Nessie and the other lake monsters. If you are interested in UFOs find what are you looking for in the Mother of ALL UFO Links, also read the UFO guide, and try to decipher a (fake) alien message (if you are interested in alien languages, why don't you learn Klingon?).
Do world's governments tell us the truth? May be not... However, for what's worth, these are the documents made public by the FBI due to the Freedom Of Information Act.
Explore the ValCap DungeoN, and if you survive the DungeoN, proceed your journey to Faby's caves.
Visit Martin Mystère - "The detective of the impossible", or Fox and Scully in the X-Files home page, but beware... It's happening again.
If you like old detective stories and adore Sherlock Holmes, join the Baker Street Connection.

Play online!
Are you bored? Why don't you take any recreation? It'd do you good! What about starting with an old classic like Pac Man (and if you were too young in the early '80s and don't know what I'm talking about, go to the Pac-Page, to know the myth), then, but only if you are not too much depressed, you can play with the hangman, or try Tic Tac Toe, a game that if is played carefully nobody can win or lose, as demonstrated in the movie "War Games".
Hey, don't miss my own online games!
Prove your bravery in the online fantasy adventure The Moonless Caves.
Also see my offline-videogame for Amiga, in the John Freedom home page (also in Italian).
A must visit!: Dave's Video Game Classics. All kind of emulators and ROMs! (update: ROMs has been removed from Dave's Classics due to - in this case - stupid copyright reasons. I hope they will be back soon!)
Can't beat that game? Look for the cheat on FreePlay, my tips collection (654Kb). The good news: over 1300 videogames listed, starting from Pong (created in 1971), I never could find a bigger collection. The bad news: I regularly updated it until 1996 + it's written in Italian, but English speaking people may find it useful anyway: most of the cheats are just words to be typed in during the game. Also, a little Italian to English cheat-related dictionary is provided in the opening notes at the beginning of the text.
However, if it's Mortal Kombat which drives you mad go to Kingdom MK. You'll find everything about it here: story, list of characters, screenshots, list of moves, fatalities, cheats and more!

Fun! Fun! Fun! :-D
Time for some jokes... here's a whole enciclopaedia of jokes (...in Italian, he he... now, for many of you, that's a joke... :-) ).
Classic Bill Gate$/Micro$oft/Windooze/Internet ExploDer's jokes can be found here, and here, and here's The Secret Diary of Bill Gates.
Here's how to keep an idiot busy.

I, Rearrangement Servant
Have fun with anagrams! Find out what your name really means, by rearranging its letters! Also in Italian.

Keep an eye on the World
LIVE!!! Look what's going on on Hollywood, London, or Rimini, or chat live with the kids of the Mobile Science Lab.
Find more WebCams on the World Map of Live WWW Cameras and OnlineCamera Directory, and Web Cam Network.

Virtual facilities
Enjoy your virtual life on the cyberspace by exploiting its virtual and free facilities: You can send a digital postcard to a friend, order a virtual pizza (my favorite food!!!). Sign the World Birthday Web to let everybody know when your birthday is, and by the way, if you want to know about famous people born your same day, see the Encyclopaedia Britannica's birthdays.

Know what's going on in the world by getting the latest news from CNN interactive, and get further news from USA Today. (Italians see Televideo RAI, Sommario dell'Ultim'Ora di Televideo, or Ultim'Ora mirror site, and read the Italian newspapers).
Before to start your businness trip, see the Foreign Exchange Rates, and the Local Times Around the World.
If you want to take a train in Italy, consult the Orario ufficiale delle Ferrovie dello Stato S.p.A. (official timetable).
Before to send a letter, you may need to know the U.S. Mail ZIP codes (and here are the Italian ones). Check for your Electronic Mail at Net@ddress.
Search the Net with AltaVista Search: Advanced Query (also text only) to find (almost) everything, or with Yahoo! or Yahooligans! for kids to find selected pages that cover a lot of subjects. Use Veronica to search the Gopherspace.
If you can't search for information all over the Net, why don't you consult the prestigious Encyclopaedia Britannica?
Send free SMS messages to GSM mobile phones from MTN South Africa (also text only).

Virtual life forms
No one can give an exact definition of what life is. Are virtual life forms alive? Choose your virtual pet here, possibly a Tamagotchi (Bandai America), and if worse comes to worse, here is the Tamagotchi cemetery.
And if you think that computer programs are not classifiable as life forms, be sure they at least have brain (and maybe, a soul...): know about the day the computer beat the human being in the historic chess match Kasparov vs. Deep Blue.
And if you have nobody else to talk to, you can always chat with HeX, or Bob.

The Internet Stars
Meet your favorite stars on the Net! I suggest you the Michael Jackson Internet Fan Club HomePage, the Bryan Adams home page, the Bon Jovi home page, the Great Bud Spencer and Terence Hill Homepage, and my home page which is also indexed in the Internet Stars site under the letter 'C'.
Another site containing links to celebrity's pages is Celebrity LinX. There my home page is listed here.
If you are a real cyberkid, you must visit the virtual star Kyoko Date.
Give a look to what's going on on Broadway, you'll also find the lyrics of all the musicals on the listing. If you like musicals, and possibly are fascinated by horror atmosfears, you must visit the myth at the Official Rocky Horror Picture Show Web Site.
Download the scripts of your favorite movies and TV series from the ZZippedSkripptzz Download Page.
Find everything about any movie or TV serie at the Internet Movie Database.

Get the lyrics!: Lyrics page 1, Lyrics page 2, Lyrics page 3, Judy and David's Children's music archive, La Canzone Napoletana (Neapolitan's songs).
Get the MIDI!: Joakim's MIDI archive, Mikee's MIDIs, Cypreze's MIDIs, Movie soundtracks, Songs of Texas (lyrics available too).
KiddieAmp screenshot Get the MP3!: Lmax's MP3 page, MPEG3 Repository - The Ultimate Free MP3 Download Site, MP3 files, MP3 archive, Project Prometeo (themes of Japanese cartoons, mostly in Italian), Project GeiAr (themes of TV-serials).
To play MPEG Layer 3 ("MP3") files you'll need WinAmp - The Definitive Audio Player for Windows (588K). Also, you can download KiddieAmp v1.1 r17Aug1998 (42.6K), a skin I designed for WinAmp.

Welcome to Cartoonia
Your cartoon stars are waiting for you! Open the the Simpsons Archive, and meet Scooby Doo, or the Peanuts at the Snoopy's Doghouse.
Fanatics of Manga and Japanese cartoons (especially the Italians born in the '70s), go to the TV-Cartoon mania page, and to the official website of TOEI animation. There are some very good pages for specific cartoons, such as Goldorak aka Grandizer aka Grendizer aka Goldrake, or Conan (in Italian).
Visit Cuoricino in the county of Onchiwawa (also in Italian).

Gifted children look here!
...but smart people of all ages too. Know your IQ taking this Mensa's preliminary test, or this other test from the Mensa's page in the Samsung web site. Know more of your personality with this other test. And if you think you are intelligent enough, go directly to the pages of Mensa International - "The high IQ society", or Mensa Foundation for Gifted Children.
Give a look to the Mensa Sardegna Home Page, of which I am the webmaster.
Italians try out the Mensa Italia home page, or even better the Mensa Lazio home page.
If you need some words to think about, visit the Words of wisdom web site.

Just for girls!
I must admit my web site is a bit boy-skewed (sorry, never been a little girl!), so here are a couple of good links for the little ones wearing skirts: Bishoujo Senshi's Sailor Moon, and the Barbie web site.

Teen Advice Online
Are you in troubles, or just looking for someone to talk to about your problems? This is the right place... and I was one of the counselors.

Can't access to a newsgroup? Look for it using the NewzBot! searcher or the Newsserver searchservice and open it through one of the public servers listed. Other Public Newsservers are listed here and here. Or see it as it was a web page from the Usenet Channel, or from Dejanews (this one doesn't allow binary files like pictures).

Beware of these people!
Be careful if you meet one of these people, they are the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives.

Be sure to be able to get the best from the Net, by using the latest version of Netscape Navigator 3.04 Gold (5.8Mb) or Netscape Communicator 4.5, or for the Microsoft junkies, MS Internet Explorer 4 / 5beta.
Download your files from the Net using Get Right.
Protect your computer from virii attacks with McAfee's Virus Scan.
Process your crunched files (especially the zipped ones) with WinZip 7 SR-1 (921K) or with the original PKzip (197K for MS-DOS 32bit, 661K for Win95) from PKware. Note that WinZip is much better than PKzip for Win95.
Download or upload files on the Net (also useful to update your web site) with WS_FTP LE (615K) from Ipswitch.
Chat on the IRC channels with mIRC (952K).
Meet your friends on the Net + know when they are online with ICQ 99a.
Convert about 558 measure units with Master Converter 2 (657K) by Savard Software.
Don't miss CCS64 (429K) by Hakan Sundell the best Commodore 64 emulator.
If you have an IOmega drive (such as ZIP or JAZ) download the latest drivers from the IOmega website.
Looking for shareware? Jump to shareware.com, or WinFile.com.
Note: Some of the software above is fully functional shareware, it means you can freely try it with all its features for a limited period of time (usually 30 days), then if you decide to continue using it, you have to pay a small fee to the programmer.
Size of the files are indicative and they may vary slightly depending from the version of the software you decide to download.
Always download files from their original web sites or their official mirror sites, so you'll be sure that they will be the latest version and virus free.

Background photo: A virtual WorkStation. One of my sample works at the end of the AutoCAD course I attended in Germany in 1994.

Please let me know if there are other good links you want ot be added, or if any of the above is no longer valid. Just click on my address at the bottom of this page to E-Mail me.

Jump to the hyperspace! Kid's links 3D

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