Elf Qrin's Lair Has Moved To Its Own Domain!


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This page is mantained for old links compatibility
and because it has been Elf Qrin's first home on the Net.


(aka Valerio Capello's Lair)


You are my guest N.counter,
please take some virtual tea and cookies and feel at home!

Italiano, per favore

Just open your castle of illusions and spread magic to the world
The entity inside the sphere it's me
the little angel is my Argentine friend Andrés


Last update: Friday July, 30th 1999


Please read the disclaimer of ValCap's lair


Magic in the spotlight

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Bosnian kids
Jelko on the left,
Medin at the top

The Bosnian experience

My first time in a refugee camp was in 1993. It was in the camp of Savudrija, one of the most magic places on Earth (until it has been closed in early 1995 to be re-opened for the turists). After then, I've been in Gasinci (in where we volunteers were sent away under the suspect of espionage... you know that camp was inside a military camp and the Croats were about to launch a kind of "final attack" against the Serbs), and in Obonjan (after the war. There were a very few refugees when I arrived, but more came when I was about to left). Living together with the Bosnian children changed me a lot. If I look back and I see me when I was a teen, I can realize how selfish and blind I was. Just be quiet for a while and you will hear the silent cry of people in need.
After then, will you still be able to ignore that cry?
Val + Andrés
Me and Andrés

The hogar de niños "Santa Clara"

In April 1995, just two days after I was back from the refugee camp of Gasinci, I took the plane to Argentina. In there I worked until November in the hogar de niños (home for street children) "Santa Clara", in Tartagal (Salta). Once again, I met so many magic people in there. I have to thank Estela, the woman responsible for all the children of the hogar for taking care of me like I was her son. I am also in debt with the family of the Rodriguez (whose mother, Laura was the director of Santa Clara) to let me live inside their family (even for days) when I was sad or just bored (the little Andrés you saw in the main photo is one of the Rodriguez' sons).
I revisited Tartagal and the hogar "Santa Clara" from March to May in 1997.
Click here or on the pic for my Santa Clara home page
The Mensa logo
The Mensa logo

Mensa - "the high IQ society"

I am a member and local proctor of Mensa Italia. To become a member of this unique society, all you need is an Intelligent Quotient of at the least 98% . Mensa is just like a wonderful big family. On July 1996 we have celebrated in London the Mensa's Golden for the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the association in Oxford in 1946, together with L.L. Ware the one surviving of the two founder members. During the Mensa's Golden, Mensans from all over the world met each other, having fun and discussing about their ideas.
Click here or on the pic for the Mensa International page
Click here for the Mensa Foundation for Gifted Children

Over the Rainbow
"Somewhere over the Rainbow way up high,
there's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby"
"You think that only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew"

(Walt Disney's Pocahontas - "Colors of the wind")

Someone says I'm different from other people
Other people say that's because I don't really exist
but I'm just a binary entity on the cyberspace
I think I was born eons before my era on Planet Earth,
or maybe I was born in the right era but in the wrong place.
But if you want to share your dreams with me
we can create a whole new world


Ti Amo - Front Cover

("I love you")

Published by
Nuovi Equilibri - Stampa Alternativa

The way to say "I love you" in about 150 languages!

Cuoricino - The Cux - Cuoriciotto Le Terre dei Santilla ("The Santilla Legacy")
a tale for kids (sorry, only in Italian!)

by Valerio and Fabio Capello

Published by
La Rosa Editrice

Presented as newness at the
Salone del Libro di Torino 1997 (in Turin)

Meet Cuoricino "The Cux" and his friends
in his own home page, in Italian or in English

I hope you have fun in reading my stories as much as I have in writing them!

John Freedom locked up

John Freedom - escape from the tower of doom
the graphic adventure for Amiga

by the 3Free Boys (Valerio + Faby + Andy)

Published by
CPU Italian System

soon to be released as freeware

Meet Johnny in his own home page, in English or Italian

I've started to program my first computer, a Commodore 64,
when I was 12, as a kind of teenage hacker.

"When I create I feel like an instrument of God taking part in His Creation"

Background photo: me with the children of the vrtic (kindergarten) of the refugee camp of Gasinci.

Blue Ribbon
Fight censorship on the Net and everywhere...
don't let other people decide what you can think!
Always remember that your thoughts have the same weight of the censors' ones!

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