Hi! My name is Michael and I am Madeline's Dad.
First, I would like to welcome you to Madeline's Preschool Games & Fun. I cannot tell you how pleased am am so many of you are finding the page and sharing it with your little ones.

I started this page because I was frustrated because it was so easy for Madeline to get lost on the web. With her page set up as my browser's home page, she (and her 2 yr old sister) know to "Click on the House" to get back to familiar territory. Maybe Microsoft will get smart and add "Visual Favorites" to IE6.

I started out knowing nothing about this stuff. I signed up at Geocities and used the basic editor. After awhile I tried the advanced editor and found out that while HTML is difficult to write from scratch, it's relatively easy to decipher and edit so long as you know how to cut and paste. It also helps to not be afraid to try.

Is it safe for my daughter to have a web page? I have spent some time thinking about this. While Madeline is my daughter's real name, you will find out little else about her on her site. Her Yahoo records contain very little factual infomation to go on. I strongly recommend that you take the same precautions for your childrens' sake. Keep your child's last name, city, school, etc. confidential as a rule. Do not teach your young children how to use E-mail, Chat rooms, Newsgroups, or Web searches. In other words, you already know how to keep them safe on the web - your supervision.

If you are using an analog modem, like me, you will find that it may take several minutes for some of the games to load the first time. After you've accessed the link once though, it should be much faster.

I'd love to hear your questions or comments. E-mail me at and tell me what you think.

We would like to exchange information with parents who are Home-Schooling or are interested in doing so. Send E-mail to

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