Hi! My name is Madeline.

I am nine years old. Welcome to my web page.

I like school, painting, puzzles, books, games and going to the pool. I also like Kenpo Karate and earned a yellow belt this year.

This is my first page with links to my favorite places on the web. Here's what's new! There are new photos on my photo page now that my sister Emma has a digital camera!
There's also a page for parents.

Guess what? We went to the State fair a few days ago and it was a lot of fun. We also went to Medieval Times this summer which was really cool! Now it's back to school time.
Happy Labor Day!

Sesame Street Dr.Seuss games (Shockwave)

Humphrey Bear (Shockwave) Tension: Fit the shapes (Shockwave)

Blue's Clues games (Shockwave)

Alfy's memory game Arthur's music box (Shockwave)

Dragontales (Shockwave) Nick Jr (Shockwave)

The Cave of Magic (try it!)

KidsPsych (Shockwave)

Barney's Kids Page

Visit my photo album page My online friends around the World

E-mail me at madkate.geo@yahoo.com and tell me what you think.
Send your favorite links maybe I'll add them too. Don't forget to tell me where you're from. I've gotten mail from the UK, Australia, and British Columbia!
Please come back soon and visit. Get Mom or Dad to make me your homepage and you'll never get lost on the Internet.

Page for parents

If you would like to help me save for college, just buy some books, CDs, or whatever at Amazon.com.
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My Dad set this page up for me on 03/19/99.

This Free Home Page hosted by Yahoo! GeoCities.