Rocky's Kid Songs

You can hear really cool songs for kids here.

Some of these I have learnt in my school, others we have composed.
I plan to put at least one new song every week.
So check back often for the latest.

Mrs. Kreinbihl is our Orchestra Teacher

Howe Orchestra (96-97) - Winter Musical

Nut Cracker
Ice Skating Melody
Jingle Bell Rock
Christmas March

Mrs. Wagner is our Band Teacher

Howe Band (96-97) - Winter Musical

Mission Impossible
Hannukah Medley
Little Drummer Person

Mrs. Thomas is our Vocal Music Teacher

Howe Chorus (96-97) Winter Musical

It's the most wonderful time of the year
Jingle Bell Rock
O Tannenbaum (?)
Take out your skies
Here we are at the end of the year

Christopher Columbus Day - 3rd Grade (96-97)

Christopher Columbus
Haul Away Joe
O Shennadoah
Goodbye Girls
Away for Rio
Columbus Sailed
In Fourteen Hundred

Rocky Sings for you

3rd Grade (96-97)

In 1492 Columbus
Christopher Columbus
Long legged Sailor

2nd Grade (95-96)

Hola Hola Hola
Let's go fly a kite
Adios Adios Adios

Songs written & composed by Rocky

I like the Wind

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You are Visitor since December 1, 1996.

Last Updated on January 5, 1997; Frames & Web Ring work together now

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