I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas this year. I am hoping Santa comes with all the things on my list. Hope he brings all the little kids lots and lots of toys.

My mom made this Christmas ornament for me. Please leave it here. Thanks.

Tragedy has struck the North Pole!! A fire has destroyed the reindeer barn. Thankfully, all of the reindeer are safe. But, they are homeless. So, I have adopted Rudolph to keep him safe and warm until he leads the midnight flight on Christmas Eve. He is getting plenty of exercise playing reindeer games. The others include him now that he his the hero and leader of the team. I am giving him lots of hay and water and most of all love. Won't you help me make Rudolph feel right at home?

And this little squirrel is named Chucky. He lives at the North Pole, too. But, he is a mischievous lil squirrel and bears careful watching. So, I have adopted him to give Santa and Mrs. Claus a break. Isn't he just the cutest thing?

Happy Holidays
Send a Stocking!!!

The Site Fights Growing XMas Trees
Send a Site Fights Growing Christmas Tree!

MERRY CHRISTMAS from The Site Fights
Send Presents to Everyone On Your List

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Happy Holidays
Send a Yule Log!!!

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Graphics, text and page layout copyright Rachel's Realm. Do not remove.