Welcome to my Guestbook!

Amber Kendrick - 11/20/00 22:40:56
Do they use D'Nealian?: no
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: no
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is the best web SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda Schuler - 11/20/00 22:37:21
Do they use D'Nealian?: no
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: no
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the best web SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judith Powell - 11/20/00 04:03:26
My Email:jkptalk@earthlink.net
Do they use D'Nealian?: NO
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: YES
Do you like the Religious color pages?: That is why I came to this site
Would you like to see more color pages?: Yes


Liliana - 11/08/00 00:44:03


Bill Archer - 11/05/00 12:25:30
My Email:www.recon75@aol.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: no
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

I teach 5th and 6th grade Sunday School. Your pictures are great for going along with certain lessons.

Aida - 10/30/00 11:33:16
My Email:Rodrigai67@aol.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes!
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

I like your web page! Thank you for the pages!

rudy villarreal jr. - 10/16/00 17:55:36
My Email:rudyvj@aol.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: no
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: maybe
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes


Jerri Procell - 10/09/00 22:02:09
My Email:jerri_dolan@hotmail.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes


kieshaog - 10/06/00 03:57:42
My Email:kieshaog
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: not yet
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes


Pam Shatley - 09/30/00 01:57:06
My Email:shatley@juno.com
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: no

I'm looking for some D'Nealian fonts if you know where some are located. The only set I have found is $50. I loved your pages and printed some of them out. My son's handwriting is really good for a boy his age, however I'm trying to get him to use corr ct capitalization. Thanks!

Lori - 09/20/00 16:54:13
My Email:LoriPhilly@aol.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

LOVE your webpage Do you know where to find a free D'Nealian font ?

Martha Boarman - 09/20/00 05:02:29
My Email:mboarman@bmmhnet.com
Do you have children?: YES
Do they use D'Nealian?: YES
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: YES
Do you like the Religious color pages?: YES
Would you like to see more color pages?: YES

Thanks for your web page. I was looking specifically for D`Nealian to work with my youngest son. My other children learned it in school, and I wanted to make sure I was doing it the correct way; since I learned the other way. Also, thanks for the color pages. Religion in any form, is an area that is definitely not overdone, and greatly in need of. I applaud you for your work here. <:-)

cobi anderson - 09/19/00 02:31:42
My Email:cbtanderson@mail.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: no
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes!!!
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

great idea!!!

Gail Asher - 09/07/00 15:37:44
My Email:GLA1986@cd.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: haven't looked yet

Both children have only used D'Nealian, in Germany and Kansas, yet I cannot find D'Nealian workbooks in the stores. Thank you for your help.

Donna - 09/06/00 13:34:37
My Email:DBOUGHER1@prodigy.net
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

Thankyou for your site. We just started homeschooling this year, and your web-site has been very helpful.

October Woodall - 09/04/00 04:10:46
My Email:octoberwoodall@yahoo.com
Do you have children?: no
Do they use D'Nealian?: n/a
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes

I do not have children of my own (yet). I teach third grade. This is my first year. We did not learn the D'Nealian method when I was in school. This is all very new to me! I do like your coloring pages. Unfortunately, teaching in a public school, I an not use them.:-(

Amy H - 07/18/00 03:47:52
My Email:Amy3390580@aol.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: not yet
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

Your site has been a lifesaver. I am a college student that needed exact directions on how to write in D'Nealian style. I found it on your site. Thanks, Amy

Holly - 07/08/00 14:13:00
My Email:littlex4@theofficenet.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes


S.Brown - 06/06/00 01:24:16
My Email:sandeebrn@aol.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

Enjoyed your web page. I have looked all over to try and find information on D'Nealian handwritting. This is great. Thanks so much! I really like the Religious color pages too! S. Brown

Keithena Kibbe - 03/28/00 18:02:08
My Email:keithybee@ivillage.com
Do you have children?: yes,5
Do they use D'Nealian?: 2 are starting
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: love them
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

It is such a blessing to a homeschooler when a site like yours comes along!!!! Thank you God Bless Keithy

sheree brown - 03/25/00 19:47:38
My Email:brown-shereem@parsmail.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: no
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

I enjoy these wonderful things that's on your pages.

sheree brown - 03/25/00 19:44:07
My Email:brown-shereem@parsmail.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: no
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

I enjoy these wonderful things that's on your pages.

angela - 02/22/00 17:19:05
My Email:angelac@com.state.uh.us
Do you have children?: yes 2
Do they use D'Nealian?: no
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: no
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

I really like the cookie recipes. MY boyfriend just loves cookies and i know he will like how quick these recipes are

Cindi McLean - 02/17/00 02:55:26
My Email:mclean-family@juno.com

Thank you very much for taking the time to put this stuff out there. I have a 6 year old and a 4 year old that will be very busy with them. Thank you also for the Christian coloring pages. Treasure awaits you in heaven- Your sister in Christ, Cindy McLean

carol roady - 02/09/00 22:25:03
My Email:roady@gilanet.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: no
Do you like the Religious color pages?: LOVE them
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

thanks I am a sunday school teacher for kids ages two to four years of age. I would like to see more thanks for your site God bless caro

Mieka Shuman - 01/26/00 21:45:18
My Email:miekas@juno.com
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: Yes

I'd like to get a hold of a D'Nealian true type font for my word processor, but all I can find are massive programs for creating worksheets that generally are in the $50.00 range. Does anyone know of anything a little less extreme in features and price?< r>
Jennifer ôô - 01/23/00 17:01:59
My Email:TJ.Good1@worldnet.att.net
Do you have children?: yes 3
Do they use D'Nealian?: Just found out about it and plan to start today
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: YES, Thanks
Do you like the Religious color pages?: Absolutely
Would you like to see more color pages?: Yes

Thank you for your practice pages. We are just beginning writing skills. When you update your site please let me know... Blessings, Jennifer ô¿ô

Bev Qualheim - 12/15/99 00:03:13
My URL:http://www.thefamily.com
My Email:bev@thefamily.com
Do you have children?: yes, 5
Do they use D'Nealian?: 3 learned zaner, 1 learned D'Nealian, 1 isn't in school yet
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: no
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

Terrific website for all family members! Thanks for all the hard work you put into this.
Bev Qualheim-web manager-THE FAMILY CONNECTION http://www.thefamily.com

Annette - 12/11/99 03:13:22
My Email:just4kixx@my-deja.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: n/a
Would you like to see more color pages?: n/a

Thanks for the D'Nealian workpages. Learning to write is a tremendous challenge for my son, and I'm hoping reinforcement at home will do the trick.

joe - 09/14/99 00:46:10


Donate Free Food - 08/25/99 20:48:13
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/20/99 20:11:27
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 00:34:41
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Jo - 08/16/99 00:48:54
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

Very nice!

Brazilian ring - 08/12/99 00:54:36
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring

Michelle Felty - 07/01/99 15:49:13
My Email:ant_mich@prodigy.net
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: yes
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes


socrotis - 06/07/99 23:27:37
My Email:socrotise@aol.com
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: nope
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes
Would you like to see more color pages?: yes

I think your doing a good job by creating a site, so people like me can come on and enjoy and print out things for my kids. thank you

lisa - 05/19/99 23:01:42
My Email:scubaot17@aol.com
Do you have children?: no--I am a school occupational therapist
Do they use D'Nealian?: no
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: yes--I am trying to find more information on D'Nealian
Do you like the Religious color pages?: yes

Thank you for the D'Nealian alphabet pages--I have just spent hours on the web trying to locate a sample to show some teachers!!

Elfangor - 05/07/99 11:02:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/5300/
Do you have children?: no

cool site!

Janice - 04/19/99 01:32:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/8238/
My Email:wweldon@usa.net
Do you have children?: yes
Do they use D'Nealian?: No
Would you use D'Nealian pages?: YES
Do you like the Religious color pages?: YES
Would you like to see more color pages?: YES

Excellent Web Site!!! I will be back..thank you! Janice

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