This Little Light of Mine
Kid's Christian Music Page

Welcome to our "Kid's Christian Music Page". If you have searched
the web, like I have, for kids christian songs and midi's you may have
discovered, like I have, that there are none to be found. Although I am not an
expert at creating midi's, I decided the only way to get some was to make some.
These are all simple tunes that your child will recognize from Sunday School
and it will probably bring back memories of your childhood Sunday School days
as well. Please feel free to download any of the midi's, I made them all myself
unless noted. Thank you for visiting and I hope you will enjoy these.
Deep and Wide
I'm In The Lord's Army
Father Abraham
This Little Light of Mine
Be Careful Little Eyes
What a Mighty God We Serve
The B-I-B-L-E
Jesus Loves Me
He's Got The Whole World
Jesus Loves The Little Children
Rise and Shine
Down In My Heart
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