I am almost twelve years old and I am in Sixth grade. I enjoy animals and horses are my favorite.

 Then - Now |

Hi, I am ten years old. I am in Fifth Grade and I like dogs. If you would like to see a picture of my brothers and sisters together about six years agoclick here.
If you would like to see what my grandma does in her spare time, go to Grandma's Closet
 Then - Now |
Hi, my name is Jeremiah and I am the youngest of the family, I am nine years old and I am in the Fourth grade. I would like to join the Air Force like my Dad some day.
If you would like to see a picture of the six of us in 2000click here.
If you would like to find out about our parents, click here or
if you would like to see our latest family photo, click here.
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