This is the home for all animals I have adopted over the internet! They are all very happy here in their park. I try to care for all of them as best I can!
This is my very favorite pet, Petunia. Isn't she the cutest mouse? I adopted her from The Mousepad. You can adopt your own mouse there, plus they also have graphics, backgrounds, and more!
This another one of my favorites, Abby. Get one of your own at Jennifer's Cyber Teddies!

This is my adopted dog, Sparky. He loves to play fetch!
This is my guinea pig, Curly. Click on him to get one for yourself!

These are some of my pet rocks. I love them!!

Here is my cloud, Heaven. Isn't she darling?

Here are my two adorable NetBabies, Ashley and Peter.

Here are my two faeries. They watch over my pages and make sure everything is OK.

Here are more of my cute pet rocks!

Here are my pet jelly beans.
Here is my bagel, Angelina. I think she is so cute!
Here is my cute little teddy bear, Patty.
Interesting one, huh? This is my 'senoch', Zulu. Try clicking on him to get one of your own.

This is my Moon Man, Marcy. I think this is one of the best ideas for a cyber-pet! Very creative! Click on Marcy to get your own Moon Man.
This is my beautiful fish, Rainbow Fin.

Here is my cute dog, Cookie and my can of slugs. The slugs have to stay outside. =)
This is my nice rabbit, Frost. He loves to eat lettuce.
Here is my lovely giraffe. I've always wanted one of these! ;)

This is my dog, Bennie. Isn't he sweet? I got him at Pets For You.
This is my cyber-husky, Ralph.
This is my ghost, Happy. He was adopted at the Ghost Relocation Agency.
Please click here to adopt one of my lollipops for your web page!
If you'd like to email me, please write to I am always looking for new pets, so if you know where I could get one, please email me!
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