There are just a few rules:
1. You must have a web page to display the lollipop on. 2. Your page must be appropriate for all ages. 3. You have to link the lollipop back to my page. 4. You must be able to receive email attachments. 5. You have to take good care of your lollipop!
Not to much to ask, is it? :) Just be sure to fill out the entire form below, and don't forget to pick the colors you want!
What is your email address?
What is your name?
How old are you?
What is the name of your web page?
What is your web page URL?
Please choose two colors for your lollipop. *They can be any color, they don't have to be like the ones shown above!* Be sure to specify if you want the color to be light or dark. For example, light pink or dark green. Color of the face: Color of the stick:
Thanks for adopting a lollipop! You can expect yours to be sent within a week!
If your browser doesn't support forms or if this form isn't working, please email the abouve information to
Here are some of the people that have adopted a lollipop! If you adopted one and your link isn't on here, please email me the exact location of your lollipop and I will add it right away.
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